For the sake of the argument, let's assume the story from The Daily Pernicious is spot-on.
If the circumstances are as reported, then it is an absolute disgrace that the grandparents have been refused.
Let's also assume the heterosexual couples and the gay couple were all perfectly qualified and capable of giving the children a loving and stable environment.
On this assumption, I'd like to know why a gay couple were chosen over the heterosexual couples, as I believe, and it is a belief and not an opinion formed following research, that children should be brought up in a 'traditional' family with a mother and a father.
Sadly, I strongly suspect this decision was a case of 'quota filling'.
Finding homosexualty wrong is not homophobia, as some people on this site mistakenly believe, nor is it gay bashing - finding homosexuality wrong is an opinion.
Personally, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss what they get up to - I find it, it being anal sex, a bizarre thing to do, but then I find the concept of finding somebody of the same sex attractive hard to understand as well.
This is not homophobia and nor is it gay bashing - to suggest such is to misunderstand what homophobia or gay bashing is.
The natural mother is 26 - she could have become a heroin addict at 20 after she'd left home. We do not know why or when she became a heroin addict and therefore it is unfair supposition to suggest the grandparents were the cause.