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jake, prejudice is an unreasoned or unreasonable distaste. I see nothing unreasoned or unreasonable in taking a dislike to single-sex couples particularly where there is active anal intercourse. The word "gay" somehow lightens and sanitises what actually goes on.

And a little girl in the house! Already wary around men.

It wouldn't surprise me if these social workers did it deliberately to be hyper-politically correct.

Not prejudice, a reasoned distaste.

I never witnessed or even thought about my parents bedroom activities.

And yes, years ago it was common for aunties, grandmothers, sisters, cousins and friends to share beds. Living conditions were quite cramped in some homes and there was no other choice.

I suppose you are aware flobbergob that some heterosexual couples also indulge in anal intercourse, and that not all homosexual men do. But that wouldn't fit your argument would it?
Active anal intercourse is not confined to gay couples flobbergob. Would you think it correct for Social Services to question people on their sexual activities?
Snap, DaisyMae! ;o)
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Of course I'm aware, and in any context it is a completely unnatural and grossly unhygenic dangerous activity, otherwise known as "bu$$ery"
It's not gay bashing, I have nothing against them living their lives and generally getting on with it. They should not however be allowed anywhere near children. They could not reproduce normally and they definately should not be allowed to adopt/foster.
Indeed Lottie. Great minds :)
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Great minds?

Saints preserve us from fools.

I don't know if either of you (presumed) ladies have indulged in this activity, but be aware that if practiced over prolonged periods it can lead to faecal incontinence. Charming eh?

RI Geezer. Gays should not be allowed anywhere near children!!!

Do you honestly think children are safer with hetrosexual men or the gays are paedeophiles?

You have changed the subject flobbergob. But I am not surprised.
Now flobbergob, there is really no need to get personal just because we don't hold the same opinion as you do. My choice of sexual practice has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion and is none of your business.
You obviously do not realise that many gays do not partake of anal intercourse, flobbergob, they find it as distasteful as you do, and as very many others do. We were just pointing out that it's not confined to gay men!

So I ask you again, do you think that Social Services should question people about their sexual behaviour and what takes place in the privacy of their own bedrooms!!
For the sake of the argument, let's assume the story from The Daily Pernicious is spot-on.

If the circumstances are as reported, then it is an absolute disgrace that the grandparents have been refused.

Let's also assume the heterosexual couples and the gay couple were all perfectly qualified and capable of giving the children a loving and stable environment.

On this assumption, I'd like to know why a gay couple were chosen over the heterosexual couples, as I believe, and it is a belief and not an opinion formed following research, that children should be brought up in a 'traditional' family with a mother and a father.

Sadly, I strongly suspect this decision was a case of 'quota filling'.

Finding homosexualty wrong is not homophobia, as some people on this site mistakenly believe, nor is it gay bashing - finding homosexuality wrong is an opinion.

Personally, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss what they get up to - I find it, it being anal sex, a bizarre thing to do, but then I find the concept of finding somebody of the same sex attractive hard to understand as well.

This is not homophobia and nor is it gay bashing - to suggest such is to misunderstand what homophobia or gay bashing is.

The natural mother is 26 - she could have become a heroin addict at 20 after she'd left home. We do not know why or when she became a heroin addict and therefore it is unfair supposition to suggest the grandparents were the cause.
we are talking about Gays, Lotties and we are not talking about safety. I'm not making any points about safety. I simply say that Gay's should not be looking after children full stop.
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Of course I realise all these things, I have been on the planet quite a while. Just because some heterosexual couples indulge doesn't make it any the less unnatural and all the other adjectives I used. Your own preferences are none of my business and I wasn't asking, but be aware that the receptacle was not designed for that purpose, and you could end up having to wear a nappy. Put crudely - leakage.

No Social Services shouldn't ask, but in my opinion, they should not be allowed to place vulnerable kids with homosexual couples.
Sorry R I Geezer, but you did say 'they should not be allowed anywhere near children'. And why should they not look after children. Even if they are not allowed to adopt, what on earth is wrong with gays looking after children? I simply don't understand what you are implying.
I'm quite sure these children will have a happier family life than Karen Matthew's children: 212/212620_gay_dad_in_cancer_battle.html

And not because they are wealthy
I mean as "parents". I'm not talking about teaching babysitting, general contact, sorry if that was unclear.
So flobbergob, what you are actually saying is that regardless of anything else, sexual habits included, you don't think children should be placed with gay couples. That's fine - nothing wrong with that and you are entitled to think that - but I just disagree their sexual habits between a couple in a loving relationship having nothing to do with the issue.

That's all DaisyMae and I were implying.

Children are no less safe in the care of two loving gays than they are with a hetrosexual couple. There will be problems of bullying because it's a fairly new concept. There are problems to overcome. I don't know why the children were placed with a gay couple over hetrosexual couples or their grandparents. It may well be a wrong decision.

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