Lighten up you lot! I am currently going through something similar with a very close relation and taking the light hearted approach is definitely the right direction (also her point of view).
too right naky,i lost my dear father to lung cancer last sept and right up until his final few hours he was cracking a joke to keep us all smiling....miss him like hell tho.....
"Which is Evr�monde?" says a man behind him.
"That. At the back there."
"With his hand in the girl's?"
The man cries, "Down, Evr�monde! To the Guillotine all aristocrats! Down, Evr�monde!"
"Hush, hush!" the Spy entreats him, timidly.
"And why not, citizen?"
"He is going to pay the forfeit: it will be paid in five minutes more. Let him be at peace."
In a sense, money is involved, but that would be her applying common sense to the emotion she must feel.
All the property that is left to her husband under her will passes without inheritance tax. If she doesn't marry her boyfriend , whatever she gives him under her will is liable to tax. So the sensible course is for her to marry him and make a new will which is operative from the marriage or is made after it. "Operative from" because marriage revokes any will made before marriage by a party to it unless the will is expressed as being made in contemplation of the marriage.You may bet that a will has already been drafted.
It seems that Jade has some sense after all. She has just made a will placing her money in trust for her two sons. It wasn't implied that the boyfriend (soon to be husband) was included separately. The solicitor visited Jade at the hospital for the purpose of making the will. I should hope the solicitor made sure that she knew that should she marry after the will was signed, that the will would be invalid. The solicitor would be well aware that Jade has only a limited time left to live, and would hopefully have advised her accordingly. Equally, her PR man Max Clifford will also no doubt be looking after her interests in respect of her children.
I'm not being funny, but I wont actually believe this until it happens. That you would engage the services of a 'publicist' (i.e. Max Clifford) to announce that you are dying seems fairly strange to me. Again, not being funny, but it wouldnt surprise me at all if she stages a miraculous recovery and we get a book, film etc about her near death experience. But maybe I'm just getting cynical these days?
If she is actually dying can't she do it in a more dignified manner rather than through a publicist?