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Baby P

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brionon | 23:34 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | News
8 Answers
Sorry for asking again,but did the guilty get sentenced yet ?


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Not as far as I know brionon. I've been wondering about it as well as the case was postponed till this month was'nt it? All I've read is that head of ss is seeking compo for being sacked,the nerve of her!!
The reason half of the children in this country being murdered, sexually,physically and mentally abused, is due to Social Services not pulling their thumb out of their asses and taking the kids away immediately when there is any sign of danger to the child. Touch feely PC costs kids their lives.
Touch feely PC costs kids their lives.

Touch feely PC costs kids their parents as well.
I don't understand the reference to tough feely pc??? However, social serviced played their part BUT the parents and 'significant adults' in the childs life killed him.

Social services are damed if the do and damed if they don't.

In some cases, such as baby p, the evidence was so blindingly obvious that those involved should have been sacked and given PROPER retraining if they work in this field again.

You do have to temper this with not becoming hysterical about abuse that may not be happening. There should be enough social workers to do a good job and not have 50% less than you need. The excuse now will be the credit crunch. Ewe can't afford any more and funding for this area will probably either not go up or will not go up enough.

This however doesn't excuse the blatent lack of funding in the past.

I apologize for my earlier answer, it was based on emotion.
Sadly some kids do slip through the gaps. A lot of the time its down to huge caseloads for a very limited number of people.

Then there was a case a few years ago where children were taken from their parents on a charge that ultimately was false.

Well, would you want to be a social worker?

Baby P was severely overlooked both by the SS and the doctors. Since when has a qualified doctor not been able to diagnose a broken back? Baby P's little fingers had been cut off at the tips yet no one in authority spotted it? The poor little mites bruises were covered with chocolate and all the s/worker said was "He could do with a wash" She never even examined him yet this was part of her job. All scum in my eyes!!
Sadly, Social workers etc are only allowed to do so much within points of law.

I worked for an agency looking after vulnerable people. When a crisis was taking place, phoning their social worker did not immediately produce results as their worker was invariably out on another errand. I've seen the diaries they all carry, bulging with post it notes, knowing they have to rush from one case conference to another.

I agree, we need another and better system but I reckon without a bigger push than a knee jerk reaction that inevitably fades away until the next sad case, we ain't going to see any improvement.

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