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Ronnie Biggs ,,,,

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Joy11 | 14:33 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | News
34 Answers
looks set to be freed, about time too, when you think of the eejits who have had 6 weeks to do for their crime(Jack Tweed).
I know the guy commited a crime, but by todays standard, it comes pretty low down in the table, there will be people who will say a man died through this, and yes, they are right, and I feel for his family, but why have they kept a very sick old man all this time in prison, what danger could he possibly be to the public, when they let thugs off with a hand-slap


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The facts are these:

He, with others, was found guilty of the so-called Great Train Robbery of 1963.

He was sentenced to 30 years, but escaped in 1965, went on the run, eventually ending up in Australia.

At some point, for obvious reasons, he had plastic surgery on his face.He was eventually "rumbled" in Oz, so legged it to Brazil, was given citizenship, was farcically "kidnapped" but returned to Brazil to resume his life of stolen freedom.

In 2001, in poor health, he "voluntarily" (with the connivance of the Sun) returned to the UK, where he has been incarcerated since.

By my reckoning, therefore, he has served less than 10 years of his 30 year sentence.

Why should he be released now that he's ill and frail? He wasn't so ill and frail all those years he spent having the "Life of Riley" in Oz and Brazil instead of getting the vertical sun tan he deserved.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!
Of course he should be released - when he has served his sentence. Why does anyone have sympathy for the git?
he got 30 years???

well he government are robing us what is their sentence ?

I think we should let him out - how much is it costing to keep him in there? If he was sentenced in 1963 escaped in 1965 came back in 2001 surely he has done nearly 10 years...

hes a sick old man now hes served his time he hasnt killed anyone rapists get shorter sentances let him out now thats what i say
But he hasn't served his time.
Why can't we execute him?
If he'd killed someone through drink and dangerous driving he would have got 5 years,and out in 3. Think that puts it into perspective.
Everhelpful - I agree - people who kill through drink-driving should also get 30 years.
Biggsif I remember was with others given a hefty sentence because his crime was against the establishnent the GPO.

That a man died at a later time was a tragedy , but this was not reflected in the original sentence.

If you compare a 30 year stretch for robbery, with what we have now there is no comparison.

So he escaped , well done , and led the police a merry dance, in their attempts at recapture.

Now an old man, dying probably, how relevant is imprisonment.
In my view not very , he wasn't the only one in the gang which led to the death of another person.

Where are the rest ?

British justice seems a strange thing to me today, when the deliberate death of a person counts only for a few years inside.Whereas the theft of bank notes and the unanticipated death of a person seems to be viewed as a more heinious crime.

Should he be released--probably in my opinion.

Jackm tweedie in my view --throw away the key.
So, those who advocate his release are basically saying that he should be set free, despite having served less than a third of his original sentence, simply on the basis that modern day sentencing is far too lenient?

But I thought he was sentenced in 1963/4? And that by cheating justice for 36 years, not only had he spent the best years of his life as a free man, but that the balance of his original sentence, plus punishment for having escaped in the first place, should have seen him behind bars for at least another 20 years?

Either I've got the completely wrong end of the stick about this, or else there are some contributors to this thread whose logic is bamboozling to say the least!

FFS the guy cant even feed himself, can't communicate without use of an alphabet board and can hardly walk.
He is 80 this year.

Our justice system sucks - they let peodos out that ARE a risk to us all. Now at least he can see out the rest of his life with his family.

Which family would that be? The one in Oz? The one in Brazil? Or those who accompanied him here to scrounge off the British taxpayers?
Hiya Joy

As he is so sick, does he not spend his time in the prison hospital wing - so if he was to be let out, would he just go straight to hospital - in effect going from one sick bed to another ?

Or perhaps if he was to be let out, Max Clifford would start representing him and he would be turning up on chat shows. If not him then his brazilian son, I am sure would.

My personal view is (for what its worth) I can't see the point in keeping him in prison, as other Abers have said, if he comitted the same crime in 2009 he definately would not get 25 years, I think that because he evaded arrest for so many years, perhaps leaving the police with egg on their faces, he is being made an example of.


Hope you have a good time in your cottage this weekend Joy - I think you are going to be lucky with the weather.

Den xx
Let's get this straight. The guy is not a nice person (trying to avoid asterisks here). He gave himself up so he could get free healthcare in the UK. Let the ******* die. (Darned asterisks again.)
He is a criminal. A thief. A low-life. A sponger. He stole from your grand-parents generation. He is now sponging off us. Why the sympathy?

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