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where are all the islamophiles?

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R1Geezer | 15:59 Fri 22nd May 2009 | News
54 Answers
At least Vic's had ago at the Muslim question below, a bit quiet perhaps, but where are te rest of the "Islam is good" brigade, you know the ones who are quite happy with the religion of peace, the silence is deafening!


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Can I just say that I am not an Islamophile.

I just happen to believe that not all Muslims are evil based on the actions of a few.

Do you think all Christians are paedophiles? 6.stm
You are never happy unless arguing then!

maybe you've won and we all agree with you

Or maybe can't stand having the same argument every other day!

What do you want me to say and i'll play the part
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I'm not a Christian jake, I hate all religion, I don't give rats ar5e about any of them. However I single out Islam as being a creeping cancer, intent on destroying or absorbing the infidel, ie anyone who ain't in it. So for the purposes of the question below and indeed generally I refer to islam not as a religion but more as a rapidly spreaping pathogen that infects the minds of the weak and those who are brainwashed from birth.
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well I was rather hoping sherman that you might see your way clear to acknowledging there is a problem or at least explaining why there isn't.
Firslty, it's Vic, not Jake.

However I single out Islam as being a creeping cancer, intent on destroying or absorbing the infidel, ie anyone who ain't in it.

Do you really, honestly, truly believe that all Muslims are like this?
Question Author
Most of them, either actively or tacitly. Find me one who'll honestly say they don't wish the whole world was one big happy islamic party under sharia. Ok find me one that'll even make the right noises. When I see them sorting their own house out with the same vigour as they'll murder a Danish cartoonist or demand the beheading of a nursery teacher or even carry out the actual beheading with a blunt bread knife on TV, then forgive me if I condem the whole shower of sh1t.
I'm not a Christian jake, I hate all religion,

Sorry, but shouldn't you **** off out of our Christian country then.

Trying to persuade people with your anti religious postings. If you don't like it then why don't you just leave the country and go some where else where they are not religious ......

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Most of them, either actively or tacitly.

To be honest, if you really are that opinionated that you believe that statement, there is little point in entering a dialogue with you. Because no matter what I say, you will not change your mind as (as is the same as most of your arguments) it is based on your opinions rather than facts.

I will leave you with this though - /Poll-reveals-40pc-of-Muslims-want-sharia-law- in-UK.html

Look beyond the headlines - 40% of Muslims want Sharia Law in this country. How many don't want Sharia Law? (clue for you - it's 100 - 40)

And another quote:
99 per cent thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the atrocity.

There it is in black and white: the majority of Muslims in this country don't want Sharia Law and didn't think that the 7/7 bombers were right.

Personally, I think that these are the 'right noises' but I am sure that this won't be enough for you.
Question Author
Is that the best you can do Vic? This isn't a christian country, we are not a relgious operation. Religion is a part of many peoples lives it isn't mandatory, YET!.

Is there a place for athiests? Find me anywhere on earth that isn't infected. Sorry I expect more from you, are you sayiing believe some religious ********* or leave and create your own place, hang on Geezerland!

I think even you are starting to wake up, Vic, and are desparately thrashing about trying not to!
Question Author
90% of Germans didn't support the Nazi's main policies, still they where quite happy to go along with it, just as long as their own cosy lives where protected.
Are you getting your opponents in a muddle?

Tell me were you so violently anti-mulsim 10 years ago?

Islam has been around 1400 years before a bunch of Saudis flew those airliners into the twin towers you know.

How is it do you think that we've survived all these hundreds of years with this evil enemy desperatly trying to distroy us?

Or is it really that you're just pretty easy meat for all the scaremongers.

It's an old technique isn't it?

"Your in dreadful desperate danger - but believe me, give me power and I'll save you all against this hideous foe"

First it was the French then the Spanish, then Germans in the first world war. In between there were incideous jews.

Oh I almost forgot the Scots - sweaties isn't it it you call them?

Such a lot of nationalities to hate, or despise - where do you get the time?
Maybe Geezer, I and others don�t want to live in a country where the above rules are legally enforceable.

nor do I, and presumably nor do a lot of Muslims who have come over here and nor do a lot of Muslims who have been brought up in the Western way of life.

With regards your thoughts on Islam and words taken from the Koran, have you read the Bible? Do all Jews believe that all gay people should be killed?

Do all Catholics never masturbate?

But these are both things that The Bible says.

Remember - the first commandment of the Bible is not about killing people or adultery or theft - it is Thou shalt not have any other God.

Would you want to be part of a society where people symbolically drink the blood and eat the body of a person who lived 2000 years ago?
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And that is the difference. Societies controlled by Christians, Jews, etc. do not carry out medieval punishments for failing to adhere to the faith.

Islamic societies do exactly that.

Let's try and be accurate here: some Islamic societies do exactly that.

And that is exactly my point.

Not all Muslim societies are the same.

In fact, lets go to your post of 15.45:

Non-Muslims should be killed, enslaved or forcibly converted;

Anyone who ceases to be a Muslim should be killed;

Anyone who is homosexual shall be killed;

Now reports vary of the number of Muslims in the world - somewhere between 1 Billion and 1.8 Billion according to Wiki.

Since what you have mentioend are the duties of all of these Billion Muslims, please can you tell me how many people were killed in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (the most populated Muslim countries) for being a non believer or for being gay. I assume it must be in the millions since they must all be doing it.

Please maybe you could also tell me why there are so many churches in those places that are still standing and haven't been razed to the ground.

Women are the possession of men;

Do you know who Benazir Bhutto was? Could you tell me who the man who owned her was?
Here comes my old friend little birdie and his long posts along with of course twisted words. Could you please give me a reference about, Mohammed clearly states that it's fine to deceive people who do not follow Islam.
Or is it another Hadith from Birdie (pbuh) instead of Mohammed (pbuh).

Fri 22/05/09
Non-Muslims should be killed, enslaved or forcibly converted;

History is very clear about Spain and India. Muslims ruled almost a century over Spain and still there were more Non-Muslims than Muslims at the end. Same is the case with India. When Britain took over (from Muslims of course)there were more non-Muslims than Muslims. If your propaganda is true then ask all the Hindu�s how their forefathers survived?
Get me answer for this and then I would read remaining of your posts, otherwise I do not have time to waste. And that is what I have learnt after wasting so much time with you.

Otherwise my offer is still there, lets have a face to face debate. Shall we?
I even offered my little birdie a first class (I always travel in economy myself) air ticket, free accommodation, and meals. I asked him to come with me to Pakistan and I will show him three things to start with.

1- A Hindu temple still intact inside a mosque. They did not demolish it as it was already there before 1947. And yes mosque was there too even then.

2- I will show you a real Muslims hospitality.

3- I will show you at least 20 people (as many I know personally) who left Islam and converted to other religions. Amazingly no one has killed them so far and they are not in hiding either. They are getting along with all the others without any probem.

But unfortunately few people have a very fixed agenda, so nothing any one can do about that.
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