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BNP or Islam?

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anotheoldgit | 18:40 Thu 18th Jun 2009 | News
36 Answers 9/Muslim-clashes-segregation-men-women-forces- cancellation-meeting.html

Outside the hall, Mr Choudary criticised British society as 'dirty' and predicted that, within one or two decades, Muslims would be the majority here.

Asked why he was living here, he said: 'We come here to civilise people, get them to come out of the darkness and injustice into the beauty of Islam.'

Interesting to note no eggs thrown here.

And it is the BNP who we are constantly told, to be frightened of.

I know who most concern me.


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the big issue sellers ?

the increasing amount of rats in london ?

the multi national companies like macdonalds an pepsi ?
aog, I empathise with virtually all your posts. All I can say is that you are a small voice in the wilderness in a country bent on social self-destruction. Look on the bright side though, eventually your pension and benefits will come out of taxes paid by muslims, and black and ethnic majorities.

"aog, I empathise with virtually all your posts. All I can say is that you are a small voice in the wilderness in a country bent on social self-destruction. Look on the bright side though, eventually your pension and benefits will come out of taxes paid by muslims, and black and ethnic majorities. "

I dont think so. Islam prohibits the use of our tax and banking system.

I have no problems with anyone in our country as long as they contribute by their contribution but it all seems one way traffic. Even our Islamic law makers will not use our banks... -expenses/5413395/MPs-expenses-Mohammed-Sarwar -claimed-interest-on-mortgage-paid-from-Swiss- bank-account.html
as i have said before the british way of life is being eroded by the influx of foreigners to our shores...whether they be muslim or any other nationality/religion...we are slowly being made a minority in our own country....its a sad fact but nevertheless a true 1....
What are Islam's views about strangling teenagers by hoisting them up on a crane with a rope around their neck? Can you hear their terror, can you hear their desperate gurgling as they hang and strangle slowly, can you hear the crowd screaming "Allah is Great".

We need Islam here, it is brilliant.

But what is the British way of life?
Is it something like the recent "March For England" in Luton?
The B.N.P and Islamic fundamentalistism are two sides of the same coin.
I agree with 123everton.

It is not a choice, they are both as bad as each other. intolerant, bigoted and outdated.

Why AOG, are you thinking of joining one?
I reckon the mad mullah's own time line is on the money:
Nick Griffin of the BNP shoots himself in the foot by denying the holocaust. If he would come out and say 'Yes, the Holocaust happened and it mustn't happen again. That's the difference between us and Nazis. That's why we're British Nationalists, not Nazis'.

If they said that, they might get a few more people following them. But they don't. So clearly they must be Nazis.
I've said before, in about twenty years this country will be Muslim, but before that, bloodshed the length of this country, and I really don't see anything thats going to stop it.
One other thing, years ago, before this mass immigration, my wife was talking to an Asian woman, and she said, 'you took our country, now we are going to take yours'.

Prophetic or what.
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Oh God am I sick of this stupid old bigot! Same old obsessive crap everyday. You'll be going the same place as all these minorities you hate, you're no better than anyone else, get over yourself and your hatred.
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they aint gonna convert me - I love my bacon.
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its all porkies - asif?
Birdie I'm sick of bigots berating minorities for their own problems. My parents came to the UK in the fifties and worked hard all their lives and paid Taxes and National Insurance. They never claimed a penny of state benefits and had as much right to be here as the British, who refused to do itinerant jobs after the war.

They were decent people, who never harmed anyone. Everyday this racist is posting hateful evil things about minorities.

He will be going the same place, i.e six foot under one day, being white or British does not give you better concessions than any other race or religion, we all end up the same in the end!

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