I have too little insight into british muslims to be certain on this but one thing does concern me.
I know some British Hindus, British Muslims, British Chinese-Malaysians and Afro Caribbean Christians. The distinction that bothers me is that most of those people relate first and foremost to values and beliefs that integrate and are very similar to what I would think of as 'British'.
The Indians of my acquaintance still describe themselves as Hindu and their faith and Indian culture is important to them, but I would judge that their primary sense of self is their 'Britishness'.
I am not so sure about Islam because of its significance in how its followers define themselves. Again and again it shows its ability to motivate seemingly moderate, civilised, intelligent people who have grown up in this country to commit acts of violence.
My underlying prejudice is against any and all religions because of their ability to spread irrational beliefs and behaviour.
So my concern here is because of the particular power and influence of Islam on its followers globally.
We could have a situation, maybe even after several generations of integrated, 'westernised' British Muslims when the faith motivates and activates large numbers of our fellow citizens to attack non-muslims.
It happens in other parts of the world so is not without precedent.