If you want a non political campaigning group, this one might be for you ;
As to this latest twist in the expenses farrago, someone posted earlier that they just dont seem to get it, and they really dont.
Almost everyone interviewed at the height of the relevations agreed that all expenses need to be receipted - So now, as far as I can see, they have gone from being able to claim an unreceipted �20 per day whilst they are in parliament to an unreceipted �25 per day whilst they are away from home !
This is a ruling from the Members Expenses Committee, chaired by the new speaker, who claimed he was going to be a new broom and bring back some dignity and respect for the political process. Little evidence of that so far.
Is this the sort of thing that Sir Christopher Kellys review will cover?
This is cross party too - senior representatives of all parties sit on this particular committee, so Cameron and Brown must know about it.