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But what can the government do?
Surely this is solely the responsibility of the individual isn't it?
The Government may say obesity is a crisis, they may enocurange people to eat healthilly, they may run workshops, classes, lessons, but even if they started giving away free gym memberships and bicycles to fat people, will this really help them shift their weight?
I strongly suspect not.
A fat person given the choice of a salad or a bucket of fried chicken will always take the latter - unless they are committed to losing weight, which I don't think they are.
Losing weight is pretty easy if you have the willpower - ignore all those fad diets, they're pointless, the only real way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
AOG - can you find me a single link where I've criticised people who post links from The Daily Mail. If you can I will humbly apologise. If you can't, I will expect the same from you.
I've criticised The Daily Mail before granted (amongst other papers), but I'm pretty certain I've never criticised an individual for posting a link to The Daily Mail.