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Who is actually supporting Cameron?

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sherminator | 17:29 Fri 13th Nov 2009 | News
41 Answers
this is for mainly AOG + R1Geezer and the others who have come out and said they dont like Brown.

I understand you two have been very unimpressed with Brown and can't wait to get rid of him BUT i've never heard either of you really praise Cameron(Feel free to correct me if im wrong)

What are your views on Cameron will you be happy to vote him in or is it just a case of voting for the other guy to get Brown out?

Anyone else is of course welcome to answer but I know these 2 characters as being quite vocal against Brown.


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"but it is very interesting to see that conservatives dont seem to be getting much support and just so happen to be the other party right place right time!"

You have got it in one.
Generally speaking in British politics the governement is ousted when the public irrationally feel the need for a change, the policies.opposition are largely irrelevant, especially now. Blair and co realised that Labour needed to become the Tories in order to get elected so really you have the 2 main parties offering pretty much the same thing, occupying the middle ground. Elections are decided by Middle England, they trusted Blair in 1997, that trust I think has expired and Middle England will switch back to their traditional ground. Most voters never change their vote so it's the middle ground and marginals that decide. I don't think much of Cameron particularly but I will vote Tory because no other parties have convinced me. However my disdain for politicains is conststant across the spectrum, I think their main aim is to extract as much from the public purse as they can, everything else came second. The Tories will win because the public have decided it's their turn, don't look for any rationale!
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R1 Surely you should vote lib dems then?
Why notr hurt both parties at once! Lets show them that we can vote for who we want to and see a difference!

I find it quite frustrating the amount of people willing to vote for Cameron without a good word to say about him!!
You are all actually voting someone into power you don't like? its a crazy situation to be in!!

Sorry if that sounds like i'm ranting at you but the amount of abuse you guys give actually vote someone in you don't like just seems.....mental?
Go on then......sell Clegg to me.....
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Ha! thats not my job!

Yes there is a sense that he is 'another guy not Brown or Cameron' but he always comes accross ok on telly

i dunno i think hes alright?
sorry sherminator I'm not dunno but think he's alright......this is the guy you want as the next PM?

"o actually vote someone in you don't like just seems.....mental?"

It happens all the don't have to like the leader, but just the policies that appeal to you.

You are talking to about 10% of the electorate.....45% will always vote Labour 45% will always vote Conservative. So you have to "sway" the 10% and in this case it is fairly easy as most of the 10% are fed up with Labour and Brown in particular............that is at this moment.

I have never met Cameron, I don't know the guy and I have not seen him in office.

Voting Lib Dems?......I do not support their policies and it would be a wasted vote as they will not form a Government.

Mental? as you put it.........probably.
I agree with Zeuhl and Naomi, but I won't be voting Conservative. Surely it's the party that we vote for and our best local representative. We don't actually vote for a Prime Minister. I will vote for who will do the best for this area locally - Norman Lamb, Lib Dem. who's beem brilliant and worked damn hard for us.
And I would love Vince Cable to be PM but it ain't going to happen!!
I'm not voting for Cameron, I'm voting for my local MP, I actually know personally, Cameron happens to be the leader. I agree that most of the public look no further than the leader but hey I'm not most of the public. Anyway, I hate liberals more than I hate Noo Labour. They agree with the last person that spoke to them and are more interested lefty sh1te. Besides, Lib dems never amount to much, I won't waste a vote on them. I vote for the party that broadly speaking closest matches my general views and that's the Tory's regardless of the leader. I doubt anyone has the luxury of a party that agrees with all their views.
Sqad, voting Lib Dem won't be a wasted vote for me - it might ensure that we keep Norman Lamb. I have no faith in any of the parties actually and doubt whether much will change whether we stay with New Labour or go Conservation. So I will continue to vote for the best person for our area. And the best person happens to be Lib Dem!
Lofty.....I have no objection to that......never have done as far as I know BUT, Norman Lamb will not formulate policies for the country, the incumbent Government will.

If you disagreed with all the important Lib.Dem policies, would you still vote for Norman Lamb?
Probably not, Sqad. But the man has proved himself to be a brilliant MP for this area and is likely to continue. He has made a great difference and makes changes happen. And the Lib Dem policies are certainly the closest to my way of thinking and have been for many years now.

So if I didn't agree with Lib Dem policies I probably wouldn't vote at all because I can't truthfully say I would rather have Conservative than the present crap New Labour government.
Ah! a bit different approach from you now Lofty:

"And the Lib Dem policies are certainly the closest to my way of thinking and have been for many years now. "

That is the important statement in a General Election and I would have no objection to it.

Now. if Norman Lamb was crap, would you still vote Lib/Dem in a General Election?
No. I wouldn't vote at all. It just so happens that Norman Lamb is good and Lib Dem comes closest to my way of thinking and with these two combined facts I am happy to vote Lib Dem.

Just read my response above. I should have said 'I have no faith in either of the main parties' i.e. New Labour or Conservative (not Conservation!!).

I know what I mean Sqad. ;o)
So, with a crap local Lib/Dem man and a Party whose mandate you agreed wouldn't vote at all?

I understand love ;-)
Well as you said above Squad, a Lib Dem vote is a wasted vote. So if LibDems had an awful local candidate, and I couldn't bring myself to vote for either New Labour or Conservative, it would be better if I didn't vote at all and wouldn't make an iota of difference.

I should really be doing stuff and not wasting my time on here!!
Lofty....don't go yet.............worming the 3 cats by breaking up the tablets, but they won't go near their food....any ideas?
Well I just hold the cats, press on both sides of the jaw with my hand under their chin and their mouth opens involuntarily. I then stick the pill down the back of their throat with my finger. You have to do it all very quickly. Mind you I have been worming cats and dogs for years and it's a real skill now!! If they are angry cats, Mrs Sqad could wrap cats in towel and hold securely whilst you do the deed!!
lofty...thanks....I will keep you informed.

Might be better if I held the cats in the towel and Mrs sqad popped in her finger (Hospital Porter's fingers are too valuable)

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