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Arafats death?

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Yeah Bee | 15:17 Tue 14th Dec 2004 | News
2 Answers

Arafats death? what will come out of it?

What needs to be done to save the peace process



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There is no peace process, has been no peace process for a long time.  The Israeli government is currently building a so called security wall between Palestinian areas and Israeli areas, which are cutting into Palestinian land, which has been ruled illegal by the UN.  It also cuts Palestinian areas off from each other, and I heard the other day that they are building tunnels under the wall so that Palestinians can cross through without endangering Israelis!  The whole so called peace process is a joke.  In my opinion, the only way you will change things in Israel and Palestine is through the growing number of conscientious objectors in Israel.  It would also be good if the US stopped funding the Israeli military, but I doubt that will ever happen!!
Apparently he was buried in the No 7 Tottenham shirt as it was his dieing wish to be buried in the Gazza strip.

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