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Haiti aid.

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anotheoldgit | 17:42 Mon 18th Jan 2010 | News
29 Answers
It has been reported that Britain has now trebled it's aid to Haiti now sending about £19m.

Why is Britain making this pledge?

Since we belong to the European Union, shouldn't it be up to the EC. to pledge a fixed amount, on behalf of all it's members?


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What's your answer again,fred?
when you dont have any friends you have to buy them!
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/// On top of such aid, the EU was moving toward sending 150 people to be part of a police force to beef up security in Haiti.///

It was interesting to read this.

Who are these people, does the EU have it's own police force or army even?

I can understand the UN sending such a force but the EU?
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/// when you don't have any friends you have to buy them! ///

Pathetic, is this what you do?

You should join that French guy who has accused the US of taking over Haiti.
I'm a very giving person, but - I believe 'charity begins at home' & if there's anything left in the pot, then give to others in need.

However, the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti is a terrible tragedy for all concerned.
Are you a friend of Gordon AOG - then you're one of few ;)
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Since it would seem that the shortage of drinking water was the main problem, wouldn't it be conceivable for large transporter helicopters to lower into position large open tanks of water, at certain points?

These then could then be periodically refilled by the same means that they release water to put out forest fires.
where's this water going to come from, aog? They scoop up seawater for forest fires, but you can't drink it.
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/// They scoop up seawater for forest fires ///

What even when the sea is hundreds of miles away.????????

/// but you can't drink it. ///

Now why didn't I think of that?????????????

There are other islands nearby, that they could get 'FRESH' water from.

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Haiti aid.

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