Excellent question sandy-wroe
But, seeing as we, and the USA in particular, didn't learn about 'other countries agendas' and took on the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, two runs at Iraq, and Afghanistan, coupled with the fact GB and USA are virtually broke, and all our military force is extended to maximum,...... the fact is we haven't the money or the forces available to start a third conflict.
And no matter who wins in civil war, until the opposition is totally annihilated, the loser will continue to fight, as we are currently seeing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which is why in the 'real old days' the conquering army would totally wipe-out a city suspected of harbouring the perceived enemy.
But, the most obvious Middle East solution, seems to me, would be for the Arab neighbours to take it on. It also seems to me that with all the oil money they have taken in, I cannot remember a single time when they made a significant contribution to disaster relief or help for starving countries, let alone try to maintain peace. This seems to be only on the conscience of the Western World.
Well, I could go on for ages, but, I think I've said more than enough. I am just expressing an opinion, and I do not want anyone to think that I am taking sides. I'd just like to see the world learn how to leave in harmony, some how, in my lifetime.