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All your basic rights are being removed as 'not important' in today's world. And it seems folk are happy to see it happen.

Here is a case of no dignity nor respect for the individual, in the hunt for appearing to be trying for perfect safety. The fact that it isn't going to stop any determined terrorist seems to have passed the authorities by.
12:57 Wed 03rd Mar 2010
..hmm ... the actual word used is similar to Bilbo, but magic wand works too.
manis right. just because naomi has a history of becoming naked with men at the drop of a hat it is not to say that everyone has such loose morals.
Old Geezer, I don't dig, but I do find it very sad that any apparently intelligent adult is willing to support an unwarranted and unfounded insult. Read ummmm's reply. Unlike you, she got it in one.

Ghetto Poet, I do? Wow! That's news to me - and it'll be news to everyone else too - including Mani.
jno....sorry I laughed.

About naomi's about hazarding a guess as to what they look like.
Sqad, Don't even think about it.
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i did try to warn you in a comical way

^^ Ha ha! Surprise surprise! :o)
oh that's okay, Sqad, I have heard that laughter is the best medicine, though for some reason the BMA says otherwise.
Brings a whole new perspective to, "Only those who have something to hide would object". and "will carry that secret to the grave."
^^ Now there's a thought. :o)

/// This is not about peeking at folks genitals. It is about the bloody arrogance of muslims, again. ///

Glad to see someone has the courage to address the real problem, but then some on this site will go to any lengths to try and sweep such matters under the carpet.

The cry of 'racist' goes out, if you dare to criticise the Muslims, (even though it is a religion and not a race)

But the fact remains it was two Muslims that refused to go through the scanner, that prompted this thread.

To all those bashful ABers I say, "haven't you ever had to strip off for medical purposes"?
yes two muslims who chose to back away and go home, as opposed to the hundreds of muslims who have walked through the scanners and taken flight without so much as an 'ooer missus'.

whats your point aog ?
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anotheoldgit medical ? . some people never see a doctor for years. 2 spring to mind.
if i go back to around the year 2001. mr j had no doctor, did not know his name as he moved to manchester from middleton around 1958.
2004 ish, mr d has never seen his doctor since the early sixties , the one time he needed medical help he went to the mri a & e unit . knowing what he is like he has probably still not got a doctor.
when my own father went to our old doctors they could find no record of him . this would have been in the late eighies , early nineties, his records were in the loft of the building because he had never seen them since the fifties.
so i would think a few people would get a shock at going for a medical
Would nuns mind going through the body scanner (I don't know any nuns to ask, but they are another group for whom modesty is important)?
-- answer removed --
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after watching the video clip somebody put on , it must be just like walking in a wind tunnel.
Mani, I see the Ed has removed your apology whilst I was replying to it. Nevertheless, here is my response.

There aren't many here who are honest enough to offer an apology where it's due, and I thank you very much indeed for yours. Of course I accept it. I would never be so ungracious as to refuse.

There really was no need to ask for your post to be removed. I didn't report it since that isn't something I'm in the habit of doing. I'm quite confident that the intelligent amongst us will always see through a falsehood, and will be well aware that the intellectually challenged who clearly relish jumping on any dishonest bandwagon are intent only upon creating conflict by exacerbating mendacious opinions unworthy of serious consideration.

Thank you again, Mani, and I wish you well.
Mani, I've asked the Ed to reinstate your apology because I think it's important for your sake that it's here.
I would also like to see the Ed Reinstate it.

Naomi rarely frequents the categories on AB that throw such abuse so easily.

This is NEWS not CB...!!
I believe that Mani has been banned from the site. He got quite upset last night and deliberately got himself banned.

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body scanners, do we have any privacy ?

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