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The solution is easy dont you think

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bazwillrun | 12:59 Sun 14th Mar 2010 | News
42 Answers
Dont use your wife to political ends then people wont get on your back about it. She wasnt voted for she shouldnt be getting involved, keep them out of the way

Maggie never used Dennis he just kept in the background, as he should, he wasnt the PM.

Phony Blair used Cherry and now Gordon is a Moron Brown is flaunting old whassername around to get a better image of himself as a nice family man instead of the dour boring dull sweaty that he really is.

He like most politicians is pathetic, and they wonder why we despise them and their actions


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redhelen, this is no time for fence-sitting. NoMercy is trying to blind us with her blinding big words. I speak for the rest of the world.

jack, 5'3" but I have some fab hooker shoes ;o)
Zeuhl, your vote is safe with me x
I too am 5'3" and my shoes make Katie Price look like a nun. I once spent £630 on a pair of D&Gs and I will always invest taxpayers' money wisely at Flannels in Birmingham. Sara3 is the "cheque is in the post" candidate. With me, the cheque will never get lost in the post, it will always be safe in my bank.
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NoMercy takes the whole hooker idea a step too far............
Clearly my fellow candidate is relying on a smear campaign rather than her own policies...
After the silly amounts of money spent establishing whether a Jaffa Cake is indeed a cake or a biscuit, in order to establish whether it is VAT-able, which of our prospective candidates is willing to state, here and now, that VAT will be withdrawn on ALL confectionary purchases ?
I have nothing to offer but myself.. but at least I don't charge for the pleasure!
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<smear campaign> is that something to do with womens' health issues ?
yes, I'm going to have a policy for warming up those speculums!
All VAT on luxury foods will be abolished henceforth and replaced with a levy on demonic food such as radishes, celery, beetroot, tripe and liver. Anyone wishing to keep replenishing these foods will be heavily taxed in accordance with new tax laws that will be introduced in the new tax year.
< radishes, celery, beetroot, tripe and liver> *ahem* I happen to love all of those..........well except tripe, but my dad likes tripe and he's a pensioner........anyhoo...............

I think I'm still leaning towards Sara3..........(and at 5'9" I'm probably throwing her into shadow, unless she has her f***-me heels on).
jack, you have terrible taste in food, but great taste in shoes.

welcome on board :o)

"warm speculums for all.. preferably men!" what a great campaign slogan!
ooooohhhhh, yesssss.............

'Warm speculums for men'..........

That's it !! You've got me !

Sorry,'ll have to come up with a blinder now, 'm afraid :o)
Well this basically comes down to whether you're a dog or a cat person !
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I will also be introducing tax breaks for young fashionistas who wish to travel the world first class.

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