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Prince Harry

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FP | 18:13 Thu 13th Jan 2005 | News
85 Answers
I am appalled by the reaction to Prince Harry's gestapo outfit at a PRIVATE fancy dress party.  What on earth is going on in this country.  Why on earth should he apologise.  I am so fed up of political correctness in the Uk that I would really like to move out.  Surely people can dress up as 'baddies' as well as 'goodies' and what on earth has it got to do with anyone else what he was wearing except for the people at the party.  Any comments?


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hopalong - don't be ridiculous.  (I would have clicked on the "report this answer" thingy as an abusive answer, except that it doesn't seem to be there)

Question Author
Your question doesn't even merit me answering, Hopalong.   I see it has already been reported.

I've been following  these answers with interest, but haven't posted until now.

Hopalong, I don't think there are many people who would support what happened to the Jews at the hands of the Nazis.

This question was about a young man who is in the public eye, and who made a big mistake. If it hadn't of been a news-worthy person that wore this costume, nobody would have been aware of it.


I think the subject has been very well discussed in this debate, but what hasn't been said is that Prince Charles set his son the task of mucking out the pigs at Highgrove, along with other menial tasks, to give him a reality check. Also Prince Harry's aides are to face an enquiry; they are there to advise and guide after all and on this occasion they obviously didn't do the job properly.

Yes Corkyb, he made a big mistake  but FP didn't see anything wrong in what he did.   
Neither do I and I do not advocate holocausts either.
bernardo why do you find my answer offensive?  FP finds nothing wrong with the 3rd in line of the British throne dressing up as a Nazi. (the people who killed 6 MILLION Jews))  Maybe Harry and FP and you should realise if Britain lost that war then we wouldn't be here to day.

FP - no-one who has posted on this thread is suggesting that by wearing an Afrika Corps uniform with a swastika, that Prince Harry is advocating or expressing sympathy with Nazi views and actions. the question and debate have concerned the advisability of someone in PH's high profile position acting in this way, balanced against his right as an individual to dress as he pleases at a private function.

From my experience in heated debates, both written and oral - anyone who prefacces their observation with "So ..." is about to suggest their own interperetation of a speaker's comments, which are often an unrelated conclusion, unconnected with what the speaker actually said or inferred.

The correct response to a "So ...." comment is "I didn't hear myself say that ....." Hope that clears up this misunderstanding. Harry has not said he is a Nazi, neither has FP - clear now?

-- answer removed --
He dint choose to be royal. He probably dint even think about the war. It wasn't insensitive just naive. Leave him alone, you want to be able to wear what you want don;t you.
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Thanks Andy.  I just didn't think Hopalong's contribution to what was an otherwised reasoned and intelligent debate, deserved any real acknowledgement. 


However, I would like to add for Hopalong's benefit that I probably know more about the Holocaust and the war than he does or will ever do,  and might even have in depth knowledge from family sources, and to say that he/she should think before he accuses people of anything.


Again, I thank the intelligent contributors to this thread.

FP I was born  15 years after the war ended so obviously I did not experence it.  But I have see on televivision often enough to be sickened of what the Nazis did to the Jews of Europe abd for that little idiot to dress up was stupid
Question Author

Still no comment, Hopalong. 

Clearly there are many people who would find wearing this uniform as a costume perfectly acceptable - otherwise, the costume shop where he got it would not have stocked it.

How much time has to pass until the events of the past are no longer perceived in such a taboo fashion? If you dressed as a mongol barbarian, or a roman leigionnaire, or an American setller displacing the natives, or any of the mass-murdering forces of history, are you saying you stand for the views that drove them to kill?

I think people in High Places should give a bit of thought to the technology of the day ie mobile phone cams and make sure their so called friends are cosher !!!!!

On a side bar I remember some bloke who JUST HAPPENED to scan into Princess Dianas phone calls he was so scared he went to the Sun !!!!!!!!!! which I resuse to read for various reasons

  Harry is  a potential leader of us poor serfs !!! Bad form for him to BE CAUGHT !!!!!!!  which I think is  what the problem is !!!! or even thinking a bit

 I can remember Regans aside about bombing Moscow !!!!!!! 

On a more somber note I can remember Harry's mum being caught by some bloke who had  a  scanner and surprise,surprise HE was s scared he immediately went to the SUN!!!!


which for various reasons I refuse to read




If I had been born Royal and people scrutinised everything I did when I was 20, i would have done something like that just to cause all this fuss. I would also have agreed to a public apology and then laughed heartily, and probably sworn.


Mistake, yes. Blown out of proportion, definitely.

FP,   next time you watch a programme in the holocaust just watch and listen.  Listen to the survivors who's families where slaughtered.  The old, the young,  no one was spared. Listen to them as they tell as they  most of the families where wiped out.  Watch as they roll back their sleeve to show a ID number painfully edged on their arm.   Harry was a fool and id anyone thought nothing wrong with that are as sick as he is
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I object to you inferring that I am sick and that I know nothing of the Holocaust and that I think there was nothing wrong with what happened.  You have gone off on a tangent of your own.  Just look at all the remarks made  to you regarding your replies.  I suggest again that you read questions properly, try to understand them and post relevant replies.  Perhaps a job on one of the tabloids might suit you - you could twist things as much as you like then!


Everyone of us on this thread is aware of the horror of the holocaust. 

FP we have freedom of speech we can agree to disagree.   Tell me though if someone dressed up as an IRA terroroist would you have been so supportive?

By the way, FP  I am disabled and unable to work.  If I was around in Germany during the war then I too would have been executed.

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Of course we have freedom of speech.  Of course you can disagree or agree with my question.  But you have missed the whole point of my question.  On no way on this thread has ANYONE else but yourself indicated that by Harry putting on a gestapo fancy dress that he supported the gestapo ideas.  Please read and understand QMunkE's answer, it comes nearest to what I believe.  If someone dressed up as an IRA terrorist at a private fancy dress party it would not mean that they supported the IRA and it would have NOTHING to do with me or the press!

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