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Prince Harry

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FP | 18:13 Thu 13th Jan 2005 | News
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I am appalled by the reaction to Prince Harry's gestapo outfit at a PRIVATE fancy dress party.  What on earth is going on in this country.  Why on earth should he apologise.  I am so fed up of political correctness in the Uk that I would really like to move out.  Surely people can dress up as 'baddies' as well as 'goodies' and what on earth has it got to do with anyone else what he was wearing except for the people at the party.  Any comments?


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yeah. move if that's what you want to do. This has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with sensitivity. We are on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz which was at the forefront of the mass murder of millions of people by the most brutal regime known to modern man. Most of the royal family are celebrating this occasion in an appropriate manner ( i think edward is visiting poland ). People criticised Harry in respect of a rather foolish move on his part and have asked him to say sorry, that's all, a personal apology for being insensitive about past atrocities. What has it got to do with anyone else? he's a prominant member of the royal family and third in line to the throne.



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But he was not at a public event!  Surely a boy of 20 is entitled to act as a boy of 20 and is entitled to a private life.    Yes, it was a brutal regime, but there are still many, many brutal regimes in this world today that we don't seem to care as much about.  I hope the Royal Family aren't 'celebrating' Jimmer! 

When I read about this I noted that the party's theme was "kings and colonialism" so I'm slightly confused by harry's choice.  A major faux pas all round i would say, and not even an appropriate choice for the event, regardless of the politics and sensitivities of the nation.

I agree FP. It might have been in slightly bad taste but as it was obviously a private fancy dress do he is entitled to do what the hell he wants. We have to draw the line between sensitivity and oversensitivity. someone dressing up as a nazi office is not headline news, and anyone who thinks it is should get out and take a look at the real world, cos you will see an awful lot of things which are far, far worse yet which do not satisfy your tabloid cravings. In short, get some perspective because its pathetic.
Not a lot to say on this one (simply because it doesnt warrant major discussion), yes FP, i think the extent that the media have gone to on the the poor kid takes the p1ss !. It wouldnt have got this far if he was just a normal 20 yr old lad - which he IS !.
If he wants to dress as a baddy, go as Al Capone.  Its extremely bad taste for any 20 year old to dress in this way, but given his role as a senior Royal Family member, its his place to set a reasonable standard, whether he was born into the role or not.

I've certainly been to a fancy dress do as Herr Flick from the 'hillarious' 'Allo, 'Allo in the past, and I expect I'm about as much of a nazi as Harry is.


The thing that surprises me is that no one had the presence of mind to say, 'You're a member of the royal family and forever being photographed by the paparazzi - perhaps another choice of costume would be in order, your princeliness.' I know they're all in-bred but you'd have thought the advisors would have a bit more wherewithal about 'em.

Take into account the following:


Harry will shortly join the British Army.  In a year or two he will wear full miltary uniform and stand with the Head Of State at the Cenotaph.  There he will honour the dead of two world wars and other conflicts.  He will(at least I hope he will!) be mindful of the fact that hundreds of thousands of servicemen who wore that uniform before him gave their lives fighting the tyranny and terror of those who wore the Swastika armband, not withstanding the millions who died and suffered under it.


To wear it on any occasion, especially given his status as part of the Royal Family and his impending military career is unforgivable, IMHO.

OK. First of all, it was a German Desert Corps uniform, with a swastika added, and this is what has caused such a furore.

Next, Harry is not a 'boy', he's twenty years old - old enough to vote, and drink(!) and go to Iraq and get shot at, if Sandhurst are forced to accept such an immature yob as he appears to be.

Let's assume that someone somewhere di advise Harry that his costume was in extreme bad taste, and guartenteed to make the papers. Either he didn;t listen, which makes him an immature fool, or he is surrounded by flunkies who pander to his every whim - either is owrrying, together they are boggling.

Harry is third in line to the throne of England. That means that rights we take for granted like behaving badly occasionally, and not being spied on 24/7 are not for him - by birth. he can of course reject his status, and get a job. But while he is living this lifestyle, funded by the british public, he has to adher to certain basic standards of decorum that go with his title and status, and offending thousands of people, some of whom fought and died so that Harry could have the simnple freedom to dress like this, is simply not acceptable.

It's not a mater of PC, it's about avoiding an image that means death and torture for millions of people, worn by a youth who is old enough, and educated enough, to know better - history 'A' Level taught you anything H?


OK, it's done now, but instead of using a flunky to appologise, like he used one to get the wrteched costume, he should stand up like the man he is, and say sorry. We're waiting your 'high'ness.

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I can't be convinced, but respect all your views!    I feel sorry for a spirited and lively youngster that people want to behave in a certain fashion because he was born into the Royal Family.  He didn't ask for it - and he is going to get a job - he is joining the British Army!   

What I don't understand is whether this is right or not.....Does he not have advisers? someone must have got this outfit for him, I can't really see him using his Singer Sewing machine in his bedroom whilst watching Jerry Springer eating a McDonalds!

'some of whom fought and died so that Harry could have the simple freedom to dress like this'

call me crazy but it appears he doesn't. I am afraid this is what it comes down to. Personally I do not hold anyone as a role model that I do not expect to be one - I am confused as to why you lot would look up to a 20 year old? Are you that insecure you need royal approval? So why the big fuss? The civil list does not imply any such duty to act as a role model, and tbh anyone who considers them as such is incredibly foolish and naieve. in a nutshell, get over it. what is wrong with people these days, I can tell you one thing for nothing, our current generation, while it seems to cry crocodile tears about everything and nothing these days, simply has no conception of the real world.

I don't think anyone looks up to any of the royal family or has them as a role model.  However, they are involved in the political world and are therefore restricted by protocol.  It is this political involvement which makes this kind of faux pas rather dicey and causes ripples across the world community, as it turns out.  (Although there is something almost Pythonesque about the whole thing...)

H will be safer (and out of the limelight) in the Army, that's for sure.

I'm right with you on this FP. This is just a nothing story and it was all just fun. He was at a party and he maybe didn't think it through but come on. And for people to start on about him not being allowed to join the forces is absolute nonsense. Alot of fuss about nothing.
I'm just wondering, are the people who are outraged at Harry also outraged at Mel Brooks and "Springtime for Hitler" in "The Producers"?

I don't think anyone looks up to any of the royal family or has them as a role model.


I do.


Otherwise, I agree broadly with FP.  It was a private event, and he was a bit foolish, but he has already apologised for it.

It's worth remembering what Armando Ianucci said on "Question Time" last night - the person who took the photo was another guest at the party, and who did so purely to make money.  He did not do so in order to expose a shocking example of evil.  In fact it would seem that the person concerned was expecting to get morer interest out of his photos of Prince William dressed as a lion.


People should be judged by what they say and do, not by what they wear.  Nobody is suggesting that Harry has Nazi views (or anything like it); what he was wearing was only a symbol, which itself has been a good-luck symbol for most of history except for the last 80 years.

FP - i totally agree with you. I am so fed up with this country worrying about people stepping 'out of line' all the time. It was a private party, and it was FANCY DRESS. He wasnt at a Nazi rally!! he wasnt condoning killing jews!

No one would bat an eye lid if he went to a party dressed as a Roman! Would Christians be offended?!

We all need to stop being so offended by everything and realise what the important things in life are.

Harry is a young man. He understand what the hollocaust was, and he clearly regrets what he did. LEAVE IT AT THAT!!

El D - I never mentioned Harry being a 'role model'. I must reiterate the main point i made. Harry is a member of the Roayl Family, and therefore under constant scrutiny and analysis - not fair, but true. Freedom to dress as we wish is similar to free speech - it doesn't not entitle you to shout 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre. Weearing a swastika evokes a serious reaction in an entire generation of people, and for someone in his position, it was inexcusable.

With freedom comes responsibility. Offening people is easy - doing so when its avoidable is immature and insensitive. Wearing a Nazi symbol when you will be shown by media right around the world because of who you are is immature and irresonsible. Failure to apologise is arrogant and ignorant. Stupidity is allowable, but Harry's unwillingness to accept that he has behaved badly is simply going to add to the perception that he is a rich spoiled arrogant stupid yob. He may only be one of these, but it's up to him to redress his image.

Celebrate: - To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.


Just wanted to clear that up but i am very sorry if i have caused offence. See, its not that difficult.



Is it just me, or must Prince Harry be the lonliest person in the country.


He can't even go to a party and act his age - and a party with 'friends'.


To not be able to 'be yourself' in front of anyone or anywhere (zoom lense are a nightmare). To not have harmless fun.


Was I rational at 18? Did I think of my consequences before doing anything? Certainly not. At 31, I am a lot more considerate, but I am sure I still offend plenty of people.


I am really not a Royalist. I can really take them or leave them, but I really can't help but feel sorry for the Princes sometimes.

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