And how many mistakes are forgiveable? The independent listed 10 IT mistakes. I agree much of it can be down to civil servants such as the negligence of the misplaced cd's with personal public information on them but Jake you cite an example of the BP Oilspill - if that was Government owned, it would cost the government their governance, they would be hammered down on bigtime by everyone.
That disaster is evidence of failures by inexperienced personnel brought in to save costs and therefore they failed to follow set plans and accepted procedures. As well as companies by-passing regulations. The BP oil disaster will change how the industry operates and new laws will probably be brought in. Advisors and consultancy firms to the government investigate the practacilities of implementation, procedure etc one, two, three mistakes are forgiveable but to throw public money at a venture without proper regulation is absurb and completely wasteful. 200 out of 9,000??