The word, unique, DOES open with a vowel, but we do NOT place 'an' before it any more than we say/write an uniform, an university, an union etc. Why? Because the actual opening sound in all of these is in effect a 'y'. I mention this purely because I pointed it out to you once before. Do try to learn.
Thatcher was, of course, a noted aesthete!
Art is subjective, there's no right or wrong. Personally I hate Constable's works with a vengeance but that's a statement of my preferences not a reflection on his talent.
/// One must hope that such an exhibit does not upset the French & Spanish too much. ! ///
Since they have had to endure the square and Nelson's column since about 1843, I should think the can endure a much less spectacular piece of art for the next 18 months.
Hatcher made Lord Gowrie Minister for the Arts. A clear demonstration she neither new anything about the Arts, or cared in the slightest that we are rather good at them.
Thatcher stood up for UK against EU extremes. She stuffed Arthur Scargill and gave the country back to democracy. I nearly forgot the Falklands..........all that oil.
I think AOG should be put on the plinth. He'd represent an aspect of British society and he'd have the time of his life berating everybody from on high.
After the devestation Thatcher caused to the social cohesion of our nation, and the appaling arrogance she displayed towards ordinary working Britain's she is the last person whose opinion I would worry about. The ethnic diversity of our capital is something that we should be proud of, I for one love it.
Rev Sermon, do you mean a cardboard replica or the real thing? Maybe he was up there as part of the Gormley exhibit, though he'd have made George IV look rather leftwing.