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Are the public ignorant of islam?

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R1Geezer | 15:11 Tue 03rd Aug 2010 | News
51 Answers
Not surprising that this study done by the religion of peace thinks so but is it the truth or do the public have an uncannlily accurate view?


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Right behind you on that Steve.5
Most people are #Right behind you on that Steve.5 # in your basic sentiments
but you still haven't explained how banning a religion would prevent all the evil
activities you described.
For that matter how could you ban something that is in a person's mind.

By all means ban the entry of Mullahs or the Pope if you like but you can't ban a belief.

Most countries in the world have tried to ban religions at different times and it never worked or stopped any of those evils you described so graphically. Putting f------ in front of a word doesn't enhance the statement it only shows a lack of literary skill on the part of the authoir.
Going back to R1G's OP - the answer to the question is Yes, many people I have spoken to have not got a clue either about Islam, or most of the other religions either, come to that. Their view is that it's nothing to do with them, why should they want to know about it - a bit like I'm not interested in American football. Sad, but true.
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Most people in the uk are of average/below average intelligence - QED.
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Most muslims are PEACE LOVING - anyone who disagrees with this is either thick, prejudiced or inexperienced IMO. (possibly all three)
No one can 'ban' religion as has been suggested.

However, we can stop treating religious beliefs with unwarranted deference.

I've never understood why the beliefs of a religious person who honestly thinks that a man can literally walk on water or that a man literally converses with God, should be treated with reverence and respect. If someone who wasn't religious claimed to be literally talking to an invisible super-being, most people would think they were suffering from some form of mental illness.

And yet we venerate religious leaders who believe precisely that because their beliefs are 'supported' by ancient books written hundreds of years after the main protagonist's death and by people who cannot have witnessed any of the events they are writing about.

This bring me back to the absurdity of Islam. Muslims are taught that the Koran is the literal word of God, which is patently absurd. Since Mohammed was illiterate and he was the only one 'speaking' to God, contemporary records were not kept by him or anyone else. His exploits were written about long after his death and have almost certainly been elaborated on and embellished by his followers.

In my opinion, most Muslims are wilfully blind to the appalling intolerances and prejudices demonstrated by their own religion.

Anyone who fails to see that Islam is a totalitarian religion that preaches intolerance and hated of other religions and reduces women to mere possessions of men, is either uneducated in Islam or simply unwilling to see that it is a destructive belief system both for the individual and society as a whole.

The idea that people who dislike or disapprove of Islam are somehow stupid is simply dishonest and disingenuous.
Would you say the same of christianity - particularly Roman catholicism?
(I would)
I hasten to be shot down as I never venture here usually, I was born and brought up RC and apart from a feeling of guilt early on, I soon realised that there was room for modern ways, indeed when I was a teenager I became aware that parish priests were counselling their parishioners not to leave the faith if they used contraception, but to confess it every so often and get absolution.
There are fanatics in all faiths who will abuse it to their own ends, and we can do little to prevent that.
Why do they always bring up Roman Catholics? I have never been suppressed.
I'd like to know why this survey was carried out. Why shouldn't the public be ignorant of Islam? Religion has no right to demand that other people respect its beliefs, or make allowances for its unsavoury practices.
I meant wake up before posting in news :-)
Thanks steve your last two posts were far more informative as to what you actually meant .
As for your the use of f....and p.... I'm not convinced. The English language has the richest vocabulary of all the other languages in the world, which allows us to express contempt,derision,adhorrence, frustration , denigration, odium etc
I'm sure you know many more which coupled with your fundemental beliefs would carry far more weight than using artificial words that nowadays are so common they have little impact .
There is a difference between religions - although within all religious there are the fundamentalists in most religions there are degrees as well as some scepticism in the way the faith is inflicted and although there was some complicity whithin the RC church for terrorism there was also a strong condemnation by both the church and othe catholic nations.

This as far as I can see doesn't happen with Islam does it a number of countries apper complicit and none of the others condem it.

Apart from that, Steve.5 is bang on the money ban it all at least until you can prove it.
I can't believe this thread hasn't received more responses.


The article in the link is fairly long, so maybe people can't be bothered to read it - but they should.
stebve I think I owe you an apology when I criticised your use of f......and p....... I now realise both letters were used by Shakespeare and Chaucer , they stand for fiddlesticks and poppycock. In future whenever I see those letters I will think of you and those words and know they were written by a scholar.
Well said, Davethedog !!

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