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Time to take off the kidd gloves?

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R1Geezer | 12:40 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | News
20 Answers
Due to a kindly judge from another planet, this lowlife piece of slime was given a reprieve last year. How does he repay this act of kindness? Goes on a burglary spree? So will all the "send them on safari" mob now admit that we need more jail, tougher and longer?


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R1, there are endless examples of this.
We need to clear out the judiciary and hire some that know how to hand out a sentence. Jails full, no problem build more or third pary it out to Thailand.
Remember its not just Jail we need to hand out but a tough time in jail. All the sargeant majors we will be loosing in the cuts, here's a job for them. Allow them free reign and no HRA b*lloks. But thats for another thread !
The SafariBoy excursions were years ago under the Tories.

// ...the 'Safari Boy' case, when a 14-year-old thrown out of school was treated to a £]7,000 trip lasting 88 days to Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It was supposed to turn him from crime but within weeks of returning, Mark Hook was arrested for drink-driving and carrying a knife. It was Hook's story in 1993 that so outraged the then Premier, John Major, that he banned foreign holidays for young offenders. //

In case you hadn't noticed, the Labour Government locked more people up than ever before, until the jails were literally full to bursting.

Unfortunately to lock up even more for longer will cost a very lot of money, and Labour spent all that on keeping bankers on mega-bonuses.
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I don't care about jail population. Build more or outsource, lock the fcukers up for 10 years in a proper jail.
We've been sending criminals to prison for hundreds of years, yet crime is still widespread, so that obviously doesn't work either - such a pity the "lock em all up" mob can't see this.
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we've been putting them in Butlins for 6 months for the 57th offence. I'm talking about 10 years in a Thialand style hell hole. They won't want to go back but even if some do they are out of circulation for 10 years. Nothing deters 100% which is what all he lentil crunchers always quote. We haven't punished criminals in this country for a generation. Hence the streets are full of low life vermin laughing at the law. Time to get tough.
Canary42: "We've been sending criminals to prison for hundreds of years, yet crime is still widespread, so that obviously doesn't work either - such a pity the "lock em all up" mob can't see this."

So what do you suggest Canary42? I do understand that locking people up isn't always the answer but surely it's the only way! I mean if I was mugged I want the bugger locked up. I know I wouldn't be at all happy if the perpetrator was let off with a warning!

I though Cameron was going to use the prison ships we have? Or has that been forgotten now?

Why should criminals be treated fairly like the rest of us law abiding people? If the prisons are full I've got the more!! Money well spent huh?
"Due to a kindly judge from another planet," You forgot to mention "and on the recommendation of the police".

You also seem to have failed to have noticed that it was the same judge who sent him down. In other words the judge gave him a last chance, and when he didn't accept it, the judge ensured he was punished.
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so he'll do 2.5 year max in Butlins, bet he's quaking at that. Ask the 100's of victims who've had their homes defiled by this low lfe. Why do you lentil crunchers always support the criminal over the victim?
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"Why do you lentil crunchers always support the criminal over the victim? "

I can't see anywhere in my post where I've indicated support for the criminal. And why do you always feel the the need to resort to childish name-calling? It's not big, and it's not clever, and it's definitely no substitute for reasoned discussion.
what would you suggest then R1G? - I don't have a solution.
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I've said it many times, harsh jails, long sentances. I don't care if it deters, give them 10 years per offence and they won't be able to commit dozens. It will deter most if it's harsh enough. But no we are too bothered about the "ooman rights" of pond life to protect the masses.
I wonder how Ken Clarke answers to this one?
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Ken Clarke is an apologist for criminals, he's in the wrong party.
well, the judge has taken off the kid gloves. Gave the boy a chance, he blew it, now he's been sentenced to five years. Isn't this exactly what you're calling for?
To keep an adult male prisoner in jail for 10 years costs £390,000 (excluding health and education costs) [2008]


So a burglar might rob £100 (for which the victim should be insured) and you want to incarcarate him for 10 years at a cost of nearly £400K.

Times that by the present prison capacity 90,000 and we get the not inconsiderable sum of £35.1Billion.

What a terrible waste of money you are proposing.
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initially perhaps gromit, but over time less and less will go to jail. Paradoxical thinking gromit, I know you lefties find it incompehensible but if you want less people in jail send more people to jail.
right, so that would be like the USA, which has 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners. Even China, with four times as many people, locks up far fewer of them.

And this has made the USA crime-free, right?

Meanwhile, San Marino, with one prisoner, is reeling under a crime wave.

Yeah, sure. You're just making this up. If you have one single fact to back up your 'paradoxical' theory, let's see a link.

Here's mine
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Look if they get 10 years pre burglary then that will reduce the number of burglaries. Geddit?

OK then lefties what is the answer? Start with the little *** above, what should we do with him?
I reckon anyone given a sentence of say - more than 12 months - should have some of their goods seized and sold and then put in a JAIL fund - to build more prisons...

Why should they live rent free with their playstations at our expense? Make them pay their way... Any earnings whilst in prison go back to the Jail fund!

Many many years ago - my boyfriend of the time used to drive round with no insurance... once he got a caught - and fined - he realised it was cheaper to do things the legal way!

make them pay extortionate amounts for their upkeep!

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Time to take off the kidd gloves?

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