Should we follow France's lead? in The AnswerBank: News
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Should we follow France's lead?

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anotheoldgit | 12:02 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | News
11 Answers

Should we follow France's proposal and strip immigrant criminals of their British citizenship?

But then it seems that French politicians are made of stronger stuff than our own, so I doubt very much that ours have the stomach for such measures.

After all they didn't follow France's lead in banning the Burka.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Why would British politicians sit around waiting for French legislators to pass laws in order to copy them???

What a crazy notion.
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What's the point you don't need citizenship to be able to claim all the benefits as soon as you arrive in this country . There are millions illegal immigrants in this country exploiting every aspect of our society . How can you remove citizenship from someone who hasn't got it.
Until we demand proof of citizenship before allowing any benefit or acess to any aminity such as the NHS , Education, Social services etc. there is little point in copying the French.
Within 50 years the white British will be outnumbered by the ethnic majority according to statistics. Who will then be available to represent the downtrodden minority?

Not sure how illegal immigrants could possibly "every aspect of our society". For a start, their illegal citizen status would preclude them from state benefits, housing, legal employment etc.

Tell you who really IS gaining from illegal immigration - us.

We're the ones who employ cash-in-hand cleaners, fruit pickers and restaurant workers.

"Within 50 years the white British will be outnumbered by the ethnic majority according to statistics"

There is no truth in that statement. It's a political, numerical and economic nonsense.
Question Author

/// There is no truth in that statement. It's a political, numerical and economic nonsense.///

Some interesting figures for you to work on.



/// Of the total 669,531 births last year, 146,956 were to mothers born outside the UK. Among these, 25,948, or 3.9 per cent of total births, were to mothers born in Pakistan or Bangladesh, while 33,689, or five per cent, were to mothers born in Europe.///

/// The figures do not reflect the total number of babies born in Britain's ethnic communities because they exclude those of British-born second-generation migrants.///
SP you might employ cash in hand labour but I certainly dont, so far from gaining I am loosing as these people pay no tax either but still use Government funded utilities.
AOG, yes I agree we should take a leaf out of the Frenchies book. But we wont because we have liver lillied politions too scared of their own shadow after 13 years of Noo Labour PC ranting and cow-towing to Bruxelles.
My French and Belguin collegues think we are mad to follow every Bruxelles edict. They cannot understand why we dont stand up for ourselves. Says it all really.
sp # Not sure how illegal immigrants could possibly "every aspect of our society". For a start, their illegal citizen status would preclude them from state benefits, housing, legal employment etc.#
Anyone can walk into A&E and can give any address . They are not asked for proof of citiizenship. They even get operations . I was in the next bed to an American who would willingly have paid for his treatment but nobody asked him to.
You can register for employment without proof of citizenship which is what a Muslim living near me did and once registered he was able to receive all benefits . He has now applied for citizenship but in the meantime enjoys as far as I know everything . His wife and children are here and social services provide for all their needs.
The moment they are here by whatever means we look after them for the simple reason we can't let them starve and it takes years to get a court order to deport them and more years as they go through the appeal process.
You mention them being precluded from housing , but where do you think they live then , in tents ? There are several million who arrive here illegally and our system is so soft they are able to remain.
"French politicians are made of stronger stuff than our own" - you mean like Jean-Marie Le Pen ?

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