should be lucky, as these CBers have brought a degree of mirth and excitement, rarely seen for a long period of time. You should have dropped in on CB today to see the exciting menu of topics that were on offer for a visitor. Truly inspiring.
And sqadlet, don't you be sarcastic about we CBers. You are 'one of us' whether you like it or admit it or not. And we love you for it. Well, some of us. Well, 3 of us.
taken from the Geordie handbook
cos we have wa own ya knaa
Caa': Call
Cam: Came
Canny: A Versatile word. Canny old soul - a nice old person. Canny good Canny hard - very good or very tough. Canny job - a good job. Poosibly a variation on the Scots word Ken meaning to know.
Card: Cold
Chare: A narrow alley in Newcastle
Chorch: Church
Claes: Clothes - Anglo-Saxon
Clag: Stick
Clarts: Dirt or mud
Clarty: Dirty
Clivvor: Clever
Cloot: A cloth eg a dish cloot, or to clout.
Coo: A cow
Craa: Crow
Crack: To talk from Durtch Kraaken
Cracket: A wooden stool
Croggy: To give a passenger a ride on the crossbar or back of a bicylce
Croon: Crown
Cuddy: A small horse or St. Cuthbert
Cushat: A pigeon