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english defence league

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claymore | 11:44 Sun 19th Sep 2010 | News
4 Answers
watching a report on the news last night about the EDL. Do they pose a threat, and is Britain moving further and further to the right?


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God, I hope not. We'll crash into France!
I am not a member of the EDL and I don't know what this report contained, but in my opinion the only threat they are is to the establishment.

But are the English not allowed to have a voice of concern, because it seems the politicians of all parties have not the bottle to stick up for the indigenous population.

And no Britain is not moving further and further to the right, on the contrary it is moving in the other direction.
So we'll crash into Ireland ? That's much more acceptable.
LOL @ the Count.
No and yes.

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english defence league

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