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R1Geezer | 10:02 Wed 22nd Sep 2010 | News
31 Answers
must be bad if the sweaties won't even go! Can the indians get this sorted? or is this just the start of a Domino effect!


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Ummm, i've never been to India, I was referring to Afghan, Iraq and Kuwait for the countries I've been to with 'below-par' sanitation lol
lol...I didn't even read it...just presumed. Not that I would have known anyway :-)

Then I apologise was obviously working and didn't choose your destination x
Just heard a piece on radio where an athlete complained "we had to clean our room". Oh dear poor diddums.
They shouldn't have to though...
No need to apologise ummmm, it's cool x

In case your interested about Poo Pond though:
My boy took several photographs of 'poo-pond'............he was thrilled !

What is it about blokes..................? :o/
My accomodation at one point was a hardened tent about 200m from the pond (although this was back in 06). The place was a site of
OMG....and I moaned about the toilets at Glastonbury..!!!
I remember being out there for a couple of weeks during rainy season once when the pond overflowed. There was 'stuff' all over the main road running alongside. Not to bad if you were in one of the pick-ups, or vans, bloddy awful if you were in our open sided/topped Land-Rover. You went through the puddle and had Sugar sprayed all over the vehicle (and you if you were unlucky!!)......
Apparently the stagnant water is a breeding ground for Denghi Fever which is serious. Also if the stadia ceilings are not safe and the bridge isn't safe - what else is safe?
There were no toilets for the many workmen on site so they have been using the apartments as toilets and there is urine and faeces all over the place - would you want to go?
When our Spanish apartment building was painted some years ago, the workmen broke into our apartment and used the toilet - of course as it was winter the water was turned off - you can imagine the mess we came to the following Spring!!!!
yes, they planned to plant all these shrubs everywhere, dug holes, then never got the plants, so the holes filled up with stagnant water and now dengue fever is on the loose. I wouldn't blame any athlete who decided it wasn't worth the risk.

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