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Commonwealth Games

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Dris | 07:42 Thu 23rd Sep 2010 | News
24 Answers
The commonwealth games in Delhi look like they are going to go ahead despite shootings,rancid living conditions,poor water supplies,local poverty and looting.Glasgow 2014 is gonna have to up its game !!!

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From what I saw on the news, if Glasgow put a paddling pool in they'd already be one up on Delhi.

Looked a total shambles didn't i?

I dont understand though, surely the commonwealth commitee (or whoever the governing bodies are for the games) should have stepped in before now and overseen the building?
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Its a total shambles and the arrogance of the spokesman last night was beyond belief!!
Feel for the athletes who have trained damned hard for this.
lol @ paddling pool -glad you saw it was posted tonque in cheek:))
Get Sarah Beeney in there. She'll have the whole lot sorted out in eight days flat.
Why should a few athletes expect to live and play in 5 star conditions, when the natives have to live in worse conditions than this 24/7?
That's not the Athletes fault...

Did they pick India?
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Erm -just for the record I posted it in News in a tonque in cheek fashion !
It was actually us Scots making a gentle poke at ourselves :)

NB -must not try to lighten News Section with dry wit again............legs it !!!
Do not say anything bad towards India as they are the next super power of the world.

At least they believe that.
Well they're going to have to cop themselves on pretty sharpish then.
Glasgow's facilities do look rather better

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Glasgows halfway there -Rab C Nesbitt and Mary Doll are part of the organising commitee :)
I don't think India will be the next Superpower.

China will be.

In a few years, China and the Tiger Economy will become self reliant. When they do, the US will wake up and realise ... there is no more money. None. Nada. China will no longer need any T Bonds. It will be like being hugely overdrawn, and then the bank saying "no more".

The month when that happens, US Govt T Bonds will not be worth the paper they are printed on, and the Dollar will go into freefall, probably taking GBP with it.

With Ireland and Portugal already poised to default on their Euro positions, all the EU net dependant countries will be left holding a huge financial baby, with no global financial allies. The only country not in trouble if the Euro follows the Dollar will be Germany.

So the global economy could be controlled by China and Germany.

How does that sound?

As for Glasgow ... no other city would want to be paying for a Games in 4 years time with the way things are looking at the moment.
don't forget those nice people with the oil, JJ; it's due to last a while yet. Chinese demand for oil is making them richer by the day.
That won't help the Dollar.

If no one buys T Bonds, the US can't buy oil.

I wonder if America's Middle Eastern "allies" will stand by them when the Dollars stop flowing?
it won't help the dollar; I'm just suggesting that they will still join China in ruling the world for a while.
Well, maybe.

I wonder if they are interested in ruling the World? or just owning it !

Does the Middle East have the administative infrastructure to become a serious power?

The Chinese do. And ... ideologically ... they WANT it !
v true. They have been waiting 5000 years for it.

Wasn't it nice of the west to spend so much time nagging them to concentrate less on communism and more on industrialising?

Looks like that bit of advice might be coming back to bite the West on its bum !

The india rowing team take to the water for the first time.
The fact of the matter is that the Commonwealth Games is now a bit of an irrevelance ; given that there are now - since the inception of the CG - more competitions in the calendar; which are of much more prestige .

It was important for atheletes once , to compete in the competition - nowadays they dont need to - thats why a lot of the top atheletes have decided now , not to go to the games .

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