Joe i was taking the P, i know 2 landlords and 1 steward they are now out of work they all blame the smoking ban they all started to have problems when the ban came in strange that . The pub near to me is going to close anyday now and she blames the smoking ban,
Round here we have lost 16 pubs - most of them started to lose money when they first had to decide whether to serve food or let people smoke - the money was in the food.
The British Beer & Pub Association estimates that four are shutting down every day and that the rate of closures is 14 times faster than in 2005. There are just over 57,000 pubs in Britain today, compared with 69,000 in 1980.
The village pub is vanishing, hit by increasingly tough drink-driving laws; beer sales have not been so low since the depression of the 1930s.
I dont understand the need to continue plugging cigarettes, I would like to see future generations able to live their lives not chained to a toxic filthy habit
Craft........just fed up with people whining that they can't smoke in pubs anymore
I thought the main purpose people went to the pub was to have a social drink
Is it such a bind to have to go outside a pub for a few minutes every so often to have a smoke so that non-smokers can enjoy a drink without having to breathe in toxic fumes?
EDDIE drinks from the offy have always been cheaper strange how all the non smokers who will go into the pub more often if a smoking ban is in force are not filling all the pubs.
The smoking ban may have had a small effect on pub trade but Eddie has hit the nail on the head - it's the current economic climate which is the main reason that pubs are closing........people are chosing to drink at home more because it's far cheaper
Plus you don't have to fight your way past a group of smokers huddled near the door to get into your own home