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Smoking ban.

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anotheoldgit | 11:30 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | News
149 Answers

Could this common sense approach be the answer to what must be one of the biggest infringements of a person's civil liberties?

I am not a smoker, may I add?.


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supermarkets have been heavily discounting booze in recent times whilst pubs have been increasing their prices. most sensible people will buy their beer at the cheapest price they can
Cazzz Am i right I am not wrong can you name ANY offy or supermarket that has sold beer at a higher price than a pub in you town ?
beer is cheaper from a supermarket than a pub, yes, definately..
no I cant name any because the pubs are always more expensive, hence the lack of business..
And it always has been but then add the smoking ban.
but dont you think is a bad thing to continue to encourage smoking for the next generation? wouldnt you want your children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy a life that isnt blighted by the negative effects of smoking?
Not seen many betting shops closing down since the smoking ban

Punters haven't deserted them, they still WANT to place their bets so instead of whining about it they just deal with it and have a fag outside

If smokers really WANTED to go to the pub for a social drink then they still would - instead of blaming the smoking ban for their non-appearance in the pub
Ban it same with alcohol ban the lot. Now wait and see if any of the so called sensible drinkers come on and say i only have a glass or two every day to wind down.
Then tell the mother of some young kid who has been killed by a drunk driver that everyone should be able to choose if they have a drink or two.
I dont drink so I would be happy for a ban ;)
Joe if they had no ban i would be sat in a pub. Simples.
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Perhaps someone should open a pub where smoking is the main focus?

Where people have to go outside if they want a drink
NoKnow ban the lot i don't care anymore i am off.
I don't think that the closure of pubs was down to the smoking ban entirely although that may have been the last straw. The cost of rents. rates, heating and lighting all had to be found out of the takings. The last Governments brainy idea of pubs opening all day was also a factor, the heating lighting and staff had to be there for longer periods, while the customers didn't materialise. The brewery also wanted landlords to introduce more expensive guest beers.
I sincerely hope our younger generation do not fall for smoking and drinking to the extent that we did.
Yeah your right Gran but for a lot of people (myself included) who smoke simply dont go to the Pub unless its a nice hot day so that i can sit outside with my friends and have a pint and have a cigarette. Not all Pubs let you drink where the smoking facilities are, two pubs i used to frequent do not have gardens so you have to go out onto the highstreet and stand within a taped off area and you cannot take your glass with you, i dont find that process very pleasant so consequently its not a big hit with the smokers. Ironically on the other hand one of the bigger Pubs i go to in the next town that has a huge garden was able to make a really rather comfortable smoking shelter with heaters,a plasma screen etc and the smokers stay there all night and now the non-smokers also sit in there too as the main pub itself is empty as it would seem so many non-smokers actually dont seem to go to pubs very often?
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/// I sincerely hope our younger generation do not fall for smoking and drinking to the extent that we did.///

They have already fell, there are much more youngsters smoking and drinking today, than ever there was.

I was a youngster when smoking and drinking were a much more acceptable past-time than they are today, but one didn't see many youngsters smoking and drinking then.
You must live on a different planet to me AOG. I shouldn't think that we are that apart in age. Far more young people smoked when I was young. Most young people today are quite anti smoking. There are a few (usually young girls funnily enough) that do smoke to look grown up. Also lots of under age people drank in pubs when I was young without being questioned (myself included). We drank a lot at parties too!!

Most young people are more sensible than we ever were - unfortunately the media leads us to believe that all young people act stupidly.
I actually think that you are wrong Lottie about the younger generation these days not just with smoking but also with drinking, eating and certainly drug taking, none of which are good signs of the future. I also read or heard somewhere that this is the first time perhaps ever where it could become quite common for parents to outlive their children due to all these excesses that so many of them have in comparision to previous generations.
I smoke and am happy not to infringe on others. Even tho' I warn my dogs of passive smoking they wont bu&&ar off.
Some of the younger generation Sooper! The ones we read about and hear about. I have worked a lot with young people and mixed with many. They are more responsible than we were in the sixties with respect to drinking and smoking. I agree that drug taking is probably more prevalent, but then again I mixed with people that took drugs back in the sixties!!

My son and his friends put me to shame when I think back to my youth! And it is rare for young people nowadays to drink and drive. A few do, but most wouldn't think of it. We did it!!

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