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Another sad case.

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anotheoldgit | 14:39 Mon 15th Nov 2010 | News
82 Answers

Just when there is good news about a British couple, who have been released by African pirates, we now hear of this tragic affair that befell a young British couple on their honeymoon in South Africa.

It is reported that South Africa has one of the worst crime rates in the world, why is this, or is it just Africa and it's people as a whole?

Why do you think that the groom was released, yet his Bride was shot?


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and on the Somali hostages, looks liek some folk have to answer for balls-ups. I hear that a SBS raid a la Entebbe was mounted, but at the pick-up ppoint for the final aircraft to go in and parachute, the MOD had arranged a wronlgy kitted-out plane and therefore it was aborted.
Then on the payment of the first ransom, the priates got wind of all the Press 'excitement' and decided to push for more - the reaction of the FO was to saeek a super-injuction and hence why we havent heard much about this story since June.....

I still reckon that with these 'embarrassments' there was a contribution of 'aid' to the Somali government, some of which conveniently went to rectifying this situation but allowing William Hague to say that they had'nt paid off the pirates - and why else would the President of Somalia want to meet the pair - and why would they want to bounce around an inherently dangerous place such as Mogadisho. I was there in 1987 and it was pretty clapped out back them, now it looks ( the long ribbon airport road into the city) totally wrecked.

Any one (journalist or non-coalition MP) want to ask for a break out of recent aid donations to Somalia?
editors can say what they like, and quite right too; that's what editors are for. He's also doing his job by allowing aog to continue to air his partial view of the world - including the mantra that he never criticises others until he's been criticised first, which, as has often been pointed out, is false.

Still, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of a good flounce.
could the Ed set up an AOG topic box so we get a choice of reading his 'contributions' to the advancement of life and society......

The reason people accuse you of being racist is because you come across like it and people feel they should challenge it. In this particular instance the niggle that has got to people is your "It is reported that South Africa has one of the worst crime rates in the world, why is this, or is it just Africa and it's people as a whole?" which has caused it.

You've never been bothered by the fact that people don't agree with you before - why has the Ed's comment got to you? The Ed has a right to an opinion, and s/he very rarely goes around posting it - in this case they were asked. It really doesn't matter unless it interferes with their duties. You're no more in the midst of wolves than you ever were before - your number of supporters vs. opponents hasn't changed.
AOG, did I miss out murder from my short list of crimes, robberies, burglary etc. ? Here we are : "and murder". Murder was a problem too in Victorian times and in the C18.
I'm not surprised the AB editor doesn't agree with your opinion (who, I wonder does, given that it often seems clouded by some prejudice ) but "I'll defend to the death your right to say it" .
Why did you drag in the mischievous element of whether the whole of Africa was like that? It must have been sheer mischief, surely, just to irritate some people on here and for no other reason. You can't seriously have thought it possible.Well, you have had your fun!
out of clarity the person who said that AOG never points out crimes comitted by white people -where in the article does it say that the crime was committed by black people?
Also out of clarity, the article never said she was british either, but the wife of a british subject
I'll say this for AOG his threads always generate a crowd.
..of "baying wolves" ?
I'm not a baying waaaaaaOOOOOOOOOoolf !
"Oh! so you are admitting that there are 'no-go areas' in all cities, must remember to book two taxis (one to ride shotgun) the next time I am out after 11pm. "

If you are travelling around the slums and ghettos of a major city, yes, that is exactly what I would suggest if you are foolish enough to travel around such areas.
You've opened an interesting debate...why do you think the countries in the top ten are there - obviously race can't be an issue, because you have an African country, a Central American country, Eastern and Central European countries in there.

So what do you think is the common factor?

Or could it be that there ISN'T a common factor?

I'd be interested to hear your theory.
Morning All,

Sorry to have upset you AOG, I meant nothing by it - certainly on a personal level.

I'm afraid I'm just "of the left" and my political opinions swing that way (if only marginally) whereas you are clearly "of the right".

It would be a sad thing for you to hand in your pistols AOG - you're one of the main instigators of debate in the news section, as Gromit says, it would be a poorer place without you.

My apologies to anyone who considered my previous posts to be unprofessional.

All the best,

Spare Ed
-- answer removed --
your posts were entirely professional, Ed; aog is just thin-skinned - a well known failing with white skins... I'd better put a :-) after that. He will however be back; I will put 20p on it.

Bednobs, Gugulethu is a township. It is theoretically possible that white carjackers were hanging around there; but "township" usually means "black", hence the assumption.
Morning AOG,
I travelled to SA a few years back when my brother in law had been killed out there, this was pre-Mandela, law and order was very bad and corruption was rife, my S.I.L was in mourning for her dead husband when she was going to the store in broad daylight, she was attacked by a black African and her jewellery ripped from her, no one turned a hair at this attack! even though there were people passing by, that said, the White African supremists there, hate tourists...unless they are Dutch or German, they are the ones who have taken the land and properties of the ordinary black person
Am I the only one who doesn't think AOG is racist?

To me he comes across as a man that is concerned for his country.

I don't always agree with him but I understand his sentiment..., I am with you....I dont think AOG is a racist.......but I am.

Example....2 people applying for the same job, one white and the other black, equal qualifications, then the white bloke gets the job.
You did nothing wrong Ed; you were accused of something and simply defended yourself - quite right too The drama queen then decided to throw a hissy fit, and he should either shut up about it or go through with his threat and push off.
Sqad, why? Surely you, of all people, would know that once you peel away the skin we're all much of a muchness.
sandy....quite, but it is how your environment and upbringing develops ones attitudes which are not anatomy defined.

Who would you have chosen?
Sandy, some people are only capable of judging a book by its cover.

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