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Offensive, or simply art?

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anotheoldgit | 14:57 Fri 26th Nov 2010 | News
68 Answers

The artist says "I want to shock", has he succeeded?

Should this 'art work' be removed from display?

Could it be just as upsetting as those 'Allah cartoons'?

Do Muslims believe in Angels?

Yet another Muslim artist in trouble, this time by her own believers.


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They are not the dead 'becoming angels' it's the 72 virgins going to meet the suicide bombers...

That is offensive.

is your comment based on counting them and equating them to the number of people involved?

Shiva is of course a Hindu deity (the destroyer or transformer) - nothing to do with islam.
Art is very subjective, I do not find it offensive, but then, some people like being offended.

Is a picture of the Son of God suffering on a cross offensive? Like this picture, it depends on the viewer and their reaction as much as the image displayed.
I'm not actually offended....but it is offensive. Does that make sense?
Zeuhl said in post #1. "I can't see why anyone would choose to be offended by this art work".

Exactly that, they can choose to be offended ... or not.

Yet another of AOG's anti-muslim threads submitted without all the facts ... <yawn>
Mark Sinckler says
<<"What I'm trying to do is to make anyone that has a faith, a belief, or an idea they hold close to their heart to think about the impact of these ideas when they leave their heads," Sinckler said.

"I wanted to jolt people into seeing the results of these thoughts put into action.">>

Fair enough.

ummm - where does the idea that the stereotypically christian cherubs represent the 72 virgins come from? Link?
Shiva is a hindu god, nothing to do with Islam. If you look, one of the angels appears be making the thumbs up sign and the other appears to be making a thumbs down sign. The virgins could be there for the soul of the terrorists or a comment on whether it is really worth it, love and violence etc... BAsically, it just seems to be a picture asking you to comment.

I stand by it not being offensive. I also standing by it not being art as well (but only on the basis that I don't think it's very good ;0) I would agree it's attention seeking.
No Zeuhl- it comes from reading the link, it states there's 4 angels, the number of terrorists that commited this carnage. I admit, it could purely be a coincidence, but somehow I doubt that.
From what I see. The Cherubs represent the bombers. The ' souls of the victims' as it was put in the article...represent the virgins.
Umm what are you talking about? Did the artist tell you this or is this your perception of it? The sun says the bodies "Appear to be souls of the victims" so where did you get 72 virgins from especially seeing that the virgins are meant to be in heaven and not coming off a bus.

boo you say that the painting shows the four terrorists as angels again this maybe just your perception as there happens to be four of them but would the artist depict four foreign terrorists as white baby angels?
... and profits from prints of the image will go to the 7/7 memorial fund.

So, people's personal views aside, where's the 'bad' aspect of this?
umm the souls of the victims means exactly that, the souls of those that died on the buses and trains.
'... and profits from prints of the image will go to the 7/7 memorial fund.

So, people's personal views aside, where's the 'bad' aspect of this?'

<Wishes she'd just written that, oh to be a concise person!>
Isn't that what art is about Micky. Our own interpretation?

If we are talking come all the victims are 'female'
Like I said, you could be right, it could be my perception of it. However I'm not alone in that thinking, it's clearly upset other people too, and with that thkning is it right to show such artful on a topic that is clearly (and rightly) still so sensitive to people?

I'd be curious to see a painting of say a mosque being burnt to the ground and angels fluttering round it would be recieved!
ummm interesting. i see.

interpretation is individual isn't it?

I see the souls of the victime ascending to heaven - that is the conventional direction for earth-heaven traffic.

The four cherubs-angels- yes corresponds with number of bombers (though not on the one bus of course) and the artist says it is about the effects of religious ideas being exercised and used to 'smight' people - and that is arguably what happened 7/7.
Personally, I think the artist is a pillock, and probably only painted the picture in order to appear shocking and grab his 15 minutes of fame. It's a pity he's achieved this using the deaths of the people who died that day.
If art can't address important issues and get us all thinking and discussing them

- what's the point?
Ummm that's what artists that do crappy art such as paint flicked everywhere or chewing gum stuck on a can or an undone ruffled bed want you to think so you will shell out thousands on their rubbish.
All are not women look again, the lowest angel on the right hand side that looks like he's cradling something and flying is a male.
where does it say the artist is muslim?
where does it say that the 4 angels represent 4 suicide bombers?

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