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Should women fight on the front line?

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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | News
65 Answers

The question that should be asked is, do Women really want to fight on the 'front line', or is it just a cop-out because men could charge the MOD with discrimination against men, (why should men put their lives at risk, but not women?

Because of this new ruling, should Male soldiers now be paid more than female soldiers, due to the increased risks that are involved in by the men?


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so male soldiers would throw away their guns and rush to carry a female soldier over a mud puddle or something... In that case, you might think the problem is with the male soldiers, too easily distracted and unable to multitask. Perhaps there should be something in their battle orders along the lines of "Just keep fighting and stop looking at the girls"?
The weather was also permanently ruined by that woman, whiskeryron. I agree wholeheartedly with andy-hughes - scrap the military completely and show some maturity maybe then this country would really be taken seriously (at least it might recover financially and be in the black).
Whiskeryron - What on earth has your response to do with the original question ?

I think most front-line soldiers look after their friends and there have already been numerous awards made for 'rescuing wounded comrades whilst under fire', I'm not sure that the situation would increase/worsen if those comrades were women.
It depends on what is meant by the front line. Very few men serve in the front line and even there physical strength is rarely required.
However the Russions had the W Death Battalion in front line in WW I and in both wars women have been machine gunners and snipers. Some claim they make the best snipers as they have more patience than men .
I think Everton123s ponderous post from a few days ago answers this quite adequately;

'The trouble with equality is that when you espouse it you have to persuade others that they're not coming down to your level.'

well said whiskeryron totaly agreee wth you,well said.
jackthehat #Whiskeryron - What on earth has your response to do with the original question ?#

The answer is nothing . he has a chip on his shoulder and can't accept the fact she was the best PM since the last war . Even Tony Blair admitted as much and did little to change her legacy.
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modeller you're having me on,tell that to the Welsh,Scots,Geordies,Midlanders.Anybody with a grain of intelligence knows that woman ruined this country
That's it, I clearly have not a grain of intelligence because I think the country was already ruined by her time in office.
If women want to fight on the front line they should be allowed to. Why do they think the men will rush off to rescue the women and not the men? They should all be treated equally.
I ask, again, whiskeryron, what on earth has your view of Mrs Thatcher got to do with the original question ?

I'm not sure that the theory that frontline male soldiers will put themselves in greater danger actually holds true.
"Should women fight on the front line? No, but then again, neither should men - because there shouldn't be a front line".
Well said - I totally agree.
JTH, I refer you to the first line of my post.
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What about it ?

(And it still, in no way, addresses the question raised by AOG).
whiskeyron appears to be implying that the example of Mrs Thatcher demonstrates that women lead badly, so we shouldn't risk them rising up the ranks into military leadership.

I can see why you didn't pick up on it though, Jack. Because it's catastrophically stupid.
No, of course they shouldn't - not unless they're the large, hairy lesbian variety who make nightclub bouncers look like cissies. No, they're only in the Forces on sufferance anyway, to appease the PC Brigade. Leave them to do what they do best - cook, clean and have man's babies.
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