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Ugandan 'Lesbian' ?

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anotheoldgit | 11:42 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | News
95 Answers

Are we to believe all illegal immigrant's when they state that they are gay or that they also face execution or imprisonment because of their political leanings, or are they simply excuses for attaining a free ride in the UK?


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Topic: Stay on it.
You have obviously forgotten our talk about this over the weekend ?

No matter..........

You are straying of-topic.
If the details SP1814 has provided are correct (and I have no reason to think that they are not) then this woman is staying in the country on a bogus claim. Unfortunately, as she is now a 'self-declared' lesbian even shipping her back to Uganda can no longer be considered to be an option, as she will possibly suffer the same consequences as she would were she actually a lesbian.
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I'm going to reiterate my opinions, stated in my first post which was mysteriously removed. Unless these people seeking asylum can prove their credentials, they should be sent back to where they came from.

The UK simply cannot afford to fund copious amounts of asylum seekers with our economy in the state it is. Why should taxpayers' hard earned dosh be squandered on bogus foreign asylum seekers to the detriment of our own people?
Getting angry at me will always result in yourself feeling impotent.

I suggest you try and be nice and stay on topic.

Spare Ed
I'm not sure that I would be happy sending 'anyone' back to almost certain death, whatever country they came from.
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Yes!!! About a minute, give or take a few seconds! Fascism rules on AB!

Guess that's me bombed out now?
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Isn't it better that a few chancers slip through the net than genuine refugees are returned to face death or imprisonment?
AOG, you should be proud of our fine liberal traditions. They're the best of British.
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Ugandan 'Lesbian' ?

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