After postings upon postings on the subject of benefit scroungers, are we now to see and end to the whole disgusting matter?
Or is this an attack on the least able, just another non-enforceable sound bite or the best thing to come from all Governments since the introduction of the welfare state?
There is one job, and two people out of work.
Person A wants to work and person B does not.
Person A is a GOOD person and therefore should get benefits instead of a job, even though he'd rather have the job.
Person B is a BAD person and therefore should get the job even though he'd rather have the benefits.
just what has it got to do with rising unemploywent? Social benefits are there to support those who loose their jobs and I dont think from what I have read this is in dispute.
What is in dispute is teh trend under Noo labour to write people off to teh scrap heap and make benefits a lifestyle choice. It has been show than a huge proportion of those claiming DLA are frauds, they dont even bother attending the assement, Single mothers thrive and Rat Boys continue to faeher brats. Who in their right mind condones this?
Ontop[ of this that great incompentant Bottler introduced the Tax Crdits. Just what planet whas this idiot on? To unravel this rediculous benefit you nedd a degree in God knows what.
The benefits system needs simplyfying. so that those that need the saftey net are covered and the scum that abuse it are uncovered.
10CSt- whilst i have every sympathy for your relative, im sure you can appreciate that the current benefit system is clearly not working. What would you suggest we do instead?
I'm willing to bet anyone who hasn't a job, can get one eventually. It might not be the job you want or for the money you'd like but I genuinely don't believe anyone can fall back on the old chestnut of "but there's NO jobs".
And before you ask, I man the tills in a Co op for God's sake, its a depressingly menial job, but im of the mindset than any job is better than sitting on my backside claiming benefits, its a pity not everyone has the same thoughts.
There was a time (not back in Victorian times) but fairly recent in the scheme of things, when there was NO welfare state, let alone child benefits etc, etc.
How did we manage then?
We took full responsibility for our own actions, and didn't expect the state to clean up after us.