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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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I can vaguely remember a series of quotes describing political parties which roughly goes as follows A Tory is a person who----- A Liberal is a person who----- A Socialist is a person who---- A...
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Why has bandanna got a ''d'' in it? Otherwise pirates would have to wear bananas on their heads....
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FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britannica 45 Volumes £ 1,000 No longer needed Just got married Wife knows everything...
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fӓrg vartvit papper (they are all from the same language) thank you...
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Rats are under rated. Just check your dictionary....
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I am wearing orthopedic shoes ! I stand corrected....
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B g a t l A d f f t g A b i t h i w a t f P o t p C b S f Any help with these would be appreciated, thanks in advance....
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my wife has inherited a cow from her late grandparents. I think she should milk it for all it's worth....
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When I am ordering something in a shop or pub, I ask:"Please can I have........?" Youngsters today seem to ask: "Please can I get.........?" Has this become the norm? If so, when...
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There is an 10 minute delay. There is a 10 minute delay. For some unknown reason I've always thought that there should be an 'an' before a digit but I still tend to lean to the 'a'. Am I right or am I...
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Hi all, when my kids have done something well, I say that they have "played a blinder" - they think I've just made it up, but I'm sure my day used to say it. Does anyone know where it comes...
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can anyone help, my uncle came home from iraq and always thought it funny to say BIZMALARAK MAN ALLARAKEME do not know if its the correct spelling as i have only ever heard it. He would not tell us...
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Is there an expression or term for a present which you give and then take back?
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The spelling is wrong I know . But what does the Italian words Perkay & Alora mean in English ?. Thanks.
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Came across a saying today that i've never heard before it 's "he swam in the sea of diamonds" does anyone have any idea what it means? Does it mean someone who is very bright?
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Why to we refer to birds as dickie birds when talking to children ?
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please could you help- sea creatures ecxellent (in short) (5) fish in land of nod (6) fisherman's fish (6) insects useful addition at snooker table (6) thanks...
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Would anyone be interested in translating some English sentences into Welsh as I would like to check what I have written is correct! Only north Welsh version as that is what Iam learning.Will post the...
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Should we not be saying.... Cheap at TWICE the price! Can anyone explain why this one appears to backwards?...
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Why is it normal to say 'getting old' or 'getting fat' etc but usual to say 'going bald', 'going deaf' etc? As far as I can see all these are progressive conditions none of which is welcome.

2001 to 2020 of 10044

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