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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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What does this expression mean and where does it come from?
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My husband and I are discussing this phrase, which is it? I say pat, he says packed.
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I heard the phrase in a film featuring a frustrated American phoning his Boss. At the end he tells his Boss to " P*** up a Rope " meaning ( presumably ) to P*** off? Is this a real American phrase or...
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Does anybody know what the two 'blanks' stand for?
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which company,s lorries [seen in 2003]carried the slogan 'quality in the making
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tuck your - into your -
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Who, in British comedy, said "I'll have a half"?
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I'd like to know what the name for a black and white squared chequered floor (or any surface) is. I can't get Harlequin out of my mind and I know it's not that. I'm sure this pattern has a name but I...
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"It warms the ****les of my heart" ...when and where does this saying come from please? Thanks.
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To give someone " Carte Blanche " means to give them no restrictions. Anyone know where this term originated?
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what is the derivation of the saying "deader than Kelseys nuts"?
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Morning Sun
Is the water in London's water reservoir (the one beneth Heathrows flight path) cleaned and ready for drinking? if its not, what is the cleaning process the water goes though before it reaches our...
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What is the origin of the word gingerly, as in 'he touched his bad tooth gingerly'? Has it a root in Ginger? (no pun intended)
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Where does this saying come from?
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sell like hotcakes
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Why are doctors called quacks?
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Stuck on one clue: A large number. It's seven letters and ends in a D and the answer also includes an actual number. We think the number is either 81 or 86. For example, clue 'These were red in a...
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What is the meaning of 'second Jobber'?
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What was John Q. Adams political philosophy? What political party John Q. Adams in? Was John Q. Adams in the military?

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