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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Mon 29th Oct 2012 | News
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It would seem that they are more bothered about a few words that were allegedly said, than the poor match steward who was nearly crushed


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Yes what a mountain out of a molehill

Surely any true born Englishman should be able to call someone a "f****** black c***" without fear of reprisal
It's the fashion! What criminal offence has been committed? None, on the face of it, but soccer is so obsessed with racism that the authorities move over nothing much. If Mikel was called a black expletive, well, that is offensive and requires an apology because the word black brings with it memories and associations the effect of which white people don't understand, even if uttered by someone who is no racist who uses the word much as they might use 'ginger', 'four-eyed' or 'fat' plus expletive, where appropriate. But calling a Spaniard a Spanish expletive brings no such associations and should really be ignored altogether, and hardly worth demanding an apology for, in the circumstances,
Well Fred may I suggest that you find a black Police officer and call him a "f****** black c***"

I think you'll find out very quickly what offense has been committed
I thought the steward was Drogba in a hi-viz jacket trying for a penalty!
Clattenberg is miked up and the two linesmen and the 4th official hear every word. It should be very easy to verify if he said anything that was racist.

What kind of fan of a club would abuse their own officials so?
He shouldn't referee another game.

First I have heard of the allegations but because he is clearly a rubbish referee he shouldn't be in charge of another game ever...
Torres was caught on the ankle but went down very easy like he had been shot. He writhed holding his knee. He did cheat and he did dive, but probably didn't deserve a red card. I think after Moyes' comments the day before, referees were told to punish diving.

If you were walking down the road with your family, and I for no reason whatsoever walked up to your daughter and called where a f****** white c***, would you simply shrug it off and walk away?

If you were in a pub with your grandchildren and a group of men were using very strong language, effing and blinding, and telling dirty jokes, and you knew that they weren't 'trouble' (ie. you didnt feel physically threatened) would you ask them politely to keep in down?

Lastly, can you tell me whether you have been subjected to racist abuse? How did you feel about it when it happened? Did it stick with you? Did it make you angry that people could get away with given you verbal abuse and you were supposed to just take it, no matter what?

I'd be interested to hear how you felt about that kind of abuse, because that would go some way to explaining your point of view.
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sp, how many cases have been brought against a black person for racism towards a white person - or does it only work one way?
AOG, don't take your grandchildren to the pub. Take them to the park.
I imagine Manure have a rota of refs,if not,what are they paying them for?
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If you were walking down the road with your family, and I for no reason whatsoever walked up to your daughter and called where a f****** white c***, would you simply shrug it off and walk away?

To the best of my ability I would defend my daughter, since I as a white person does not enjoy the protection of the law, as a black person does, regarding such name calling.

/// If you were in a pub with your grandchildren and a group of men were using very strong language, effing and blinding, and telling dirty jokes, and you knew that they weren't 'trouble' (ie. you didnt feel physically threatened) would you ask them politely to keep in down? ///


/// Lastly, can you tell me whether you have been subjected to racist abuse? How did you feel about it when it happened? Did it stick with you? Did it make you angry that people could get away with given you verbal abuse and you were supposed to just take it, no matter what? ///

No I have not been subjected to racist abuse, but apart from it being physical, I can see nothing different to what a white person has to endure in similar verbal insulting circumstances, so why should black persons be any different?

I only hope that that has gone some way in explaining my point of view?
"since I as a white person does not enjoy the protection of the law, as a black person does, regarding such name calling."

Yes you do.

We are now seeing what the ban on free speech is having. The police have been inundated with 4000 calls about naming on Facebook and so many they can't deal with them all. In sport its getting out of all proportion and rather than turn the other cheek or return the insult it will all end up in the courts.
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Amazing, I can't argue with that Chuck, except to say that was rather an extreme case, was it not?
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I couldn't possibly answer that question because I don't work for the Crown Prosecution Service.

I don't know why you think that white people are not protected under law from racial discrimination.

Where does that supposition come from?

And why not just shrug off the offensive name calling aimed at your hypothetical daughter? Isn't that what you propose black people do in the same situation?

The 'C' word would undoubtably lose its power if we ignored it - but society has decided that it is offensive. Pretending it isn't doesn't diffuse it.

Thank you for clarifying where you come from.

I myself have never been subjected to the varying levels of sexism that some of my female friends have gone through professionally, but even though it doesn't affect me, I'm still disgusted by it.

Horses for courses, I'm sure.
Does Chuck's link mean that the law works both ways then. Can we finally put that one to bed?

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