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No Hope.

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moonraker558 | 22:02 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | Jokes
15 Answers
After being married for several years to Moony, TTFN was growing more and more frustrated at Moony's lack of interest in sex. She wondered about ways to add some pizzazz to their relationship, and finally decided to purchase some crotchless underwear she had seen in a lingerie shop. One evening when she was feeling particularly desirous, and Moony was, as usual, watching television, she took a shower, freshened up, and donned the crotchless undies, and a slinky negligee. She then strolled between Moony and the television, and suggestively tossed one leg up on his chair arm. 'Want some of this?' TTFN purred. 'Are you kidding?' Moony replied. 'Look what it did to your underwear'


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Speechless, moonie you like living on the edge?
Ha ha!
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As long as I have better daps than old tt and can run faster I am safe Sibo.
What are daps?
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According to the history books they are a type of plimsole as you well know Sibbs.
I didn't know that, just googled it and you are telling the truth
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Would I tell a fib?..............
ttfn, for gawd's sake come on and sort him out
I thought daps had to be size 12 or more; can't see ttfn with size 12 feet.
Hi DT, did you have a good pint?
We used to drink at a pub called The Kingsway Inn. No prizes for its unofficial name.
very good jar and a pie; took the mater and fed her (despite being asked eight times why it was quiet in there and then who her neighbouring farmer was five times!).....returning for the end of Masterchef.
I retired early last night ............................

I should have bloody hibernated.

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONY - watch out, pal!
Ena have alerted the gunsmith, blacksmith and locksmith....Moony have alerted the proctologist.

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No Hope.

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