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My Friend......

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excelsior-1 | 19:51 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | Jokes
9 Answers

...who was a farmer had a hair brained scheme to breed genetically modified sheep that were twice the size of normal ones.

To do so he had to re-mortgage his house to finance it but things didn’t go to plan. Although the sheep were larger they weren’t as big as he’d hoped and he couldn’t afford the repayments on his loan.

Suffice to say the bank repossessed his house and land, leaving him with just his sheep, nowhere to live and penniless.

The last time I saw him he was standing on a street corner selling biggish ewes.


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did he get fleeced.
19:57 Wed 19th Jun 2013
Terrible Ramifications, excel.
Oh dear lol hi excel
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he was looking a little sheepish too
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hello Psybbo

good to see you, are you well?
did he get fleeced.
Biggish Shoes?
It is a bit woolly though, excel.
must have been baaa kicking mad
that's not quite right,
baaa king mad....

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My Friend......

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