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One For The Kids...

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Chipchopper | 19:34 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | Jokes
20 Answers
Q, Why is the number 6 afraid of the number 7 ?.

A, Because the number 7...8...9.


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A bit early for Christmas crackers isn't it, Chipchopper ;-)
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You aint seen nothing yet. Tone!
LOL, gawd help us.
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Maybe it is a little early for cannibalistic numbers :-)
pmsl !!
What does a cannibal do after dumping his girlfriend?

Wipes his butt.
oh nooo DT...nooooo....
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wat do you call a boomerang that wont come back ?

Hi Oz xx that one was for you !
yep - Fortnum and Masons.....
A cannibal went for a walk and he passed his brother.
Cannibals and Numbers....hmmmph, here's one.

The cannibal family was eating dinner. One son says, “I really hate my math teacher.” The other son says, “I know. He’s so tough!” The mother tells them, “Quit complaining. If you don’t like the meat, just eat the noodles.”
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Q: Why did the Aboriginal inventor invent clear plastic rubbish bins?

A: So his mates could go window-shopping.
Did you hear about the little boy from the cannibal family? He was 8 before he was 7.
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"Mummy I don't like my baby brother" - "Well push him to the side of your plate and eat your chips then"

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