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Patsy33 | 13:16 Fri 27th Apr 2018 | Jokes
31 Answers
I've been living with a hyena. It hasn't been easy I can tell you.. but there's been a lot of laughs along the way...


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The Hyena was talking to the Baboon, complaining about the King of the jungle. He is always bossing us around, will you join me and we can kill him, I will be the new king and you can be the 2nd in command, OK says the Baboon. Later today when he comes on his rounds, I will ambush him, says the Hyena, you join in if I need you, OK says the Baboon. So the Lion comes through...
15:30 Fri 27th Apr 2018
sounds like it's been a howling success
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The tails I could tell you!
do you call your hyena giggles?
I once asked for a hyena Oxo cube at my local shop. I was made to feel a laughing stock at the checkout.
Pack it in.
I tried not to laugh but..

What do you call it when a hyena farts?
Laughing gas
This joke is like the rest of your jokes.......plenty of laughs
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He s a funny animal I can tell you!
The Hyena was talking to the Baboon, complaining about the King of the jungle.

He is always bossing us around, will you join me and we can kill him, I will be the new king and you can be the 2nd in command, OK says the Baboon.

Later today when he comes on his rounds, I will ambush him, says the Hyena, you join in if I need you, OK says the Baboon.

So the Lion comes through the bushes and the Hyena jumps on his back, there is a terrible fight, and the Lion walks away without even a scratch, but the Hyena is lying in a heap half dead.

He calls the Baboon over, Why did you not jump in and help me, the Baboon replies. You were laughing so much, I thought you were winning.
I've been living with a horse, I find it very depressing.

He's a typical naysayer.
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Ozzy, as long as you're stable....
I used to live with a donkey but it was a long time ago, days of eeyore in fact.
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I used to live with an owl. It was a hoot!...
I live with a cow it's udderly ridiculous
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Trust you!...
I was quite happy living with frogs, until they croaked it.
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I'm living with a grasshopper, well, it's just not cricket.....
I'm living with a bat it's turn my life upside down!

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