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Old Habbit

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Chipchopper | 11:21 Sat 12th May 2018 | Jokes
11 Answers
I used to have a soap addiction.
but its okay, I'm clean now!


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That's fairy brave of you Chip...
12:29 Sat 12th May 2018
Lux like you’ll be fine then.
I bet you have a bubbly personality!
That's the spirit, get on with your Lifebuoy.
That's fairy brave of you Chip...
did you foam at the mouth
Hope you have scent on this encouraging News!
Glad it didn't go Pear shaped.
Dove it feel better now?
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Oh, I'm all in a lather now.
Two nuns are in the bath.

Nun1: Where's the soap?

Nun2: Yes, it does rather.
and a variation....

Two priests are off to the showers late one night.

They undress and step into the showers before they realise there is no soap.

Father John says he has soap in his room and goes to get it, not bothering to dress.

He grabs two bars of soap, one in each hand, and heads back to the showers.

He is halfway down the hall when he sees three nuns heading his way.

Having no place to hide, he stands against the wall and freezes like he's a statue.

The nuns stop and comment on how life-like he looks.

The first nun suddenly reaches out and pulls on his manhood.

Startled, he drops a bar of soap.

"Oh look" says the first nun, "its a soap dispenser".

To test her theory the second nun also pulls on his manhood... sure enough he drops the second bar of Soap.

The third nun decides to have a go.

She pulls once, then twice and three times but nothing happens.

So she gives several more tugs, then yells!

"Mary, Mother of God - Hand Lotion too.......

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Old Habbit

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