Body & Soul1 min ago
WARNING: If you get a link called 'free porn' dont opin it.
It is a birus wich deactivates your spelcheck and garblis up you riting.
I also receibed it but lukily I dont does porn so I dint opin it.
Plaese warm yu frends!
It is a birus wich deactivates your spelcheck and garblis up you riting.
I also receibed it but lukily I dont does porn so I dint opin it.
Plaese warm yu frends!
¡sǝʇᴉs uɐᴉ lɐɹʇ sn∀ ɯoɹɟ uɹod ʎɯ ƃ uᴉʇʇǝƃ ʎq sƃuᴉɥʇ ɥɔns pᴉoʌɐ I
18:12 Sat 28th Sep 2019