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Adele Cd's

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-SharonA- | 22:51 Wed 20th Jan 2021 | Jokes
8 Answers
I have just sold all my Adele cd's on EBay. But I still haven't received any money from the buyer. What should I do?? Should I give up or keep chasing payments??


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Even if they lead nowhere ??
How could they do that to "Someone like you"
rumour has it they have the money and theyll let you take it all.
Or maybe you'll after forget it- its just water under the bridge
Hello. Try "turning the tables" by givin them the "cold shoulder"
"That's it, I quit, I'm Moving On"
Off to work now.
Hopefully someone else can suggest a Remedy
I swear i sent you a cheque, Sharon.
Oohhh! I bet you could set fire to the rain!..

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Adele Cd's

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