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cat poo on my garden

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kitten_uk2 | 11:42 Tue 24th Jul 2007 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
finnally took pride in our garden, we weeded and seeded and mowed and croped, and every bloody day im taking off cat poo that has been disposed off on our garden.
we bought a 6quid powder that is ment to stop them doing it, but it hasnt helped, picked 4 dos up after our hoilday week away, so tried orange peel and for 2 days nothing, thought id cracked it, then 3rd day 2 dos for me to shovel up, now they have started on back garden on my kids play area, please help!!!!!!


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Hiya kitten..
Lion Poo (pellets)should get rid of the blighters.Or you could hide behind the hedge with a pump-action water pistol.(:O)
Our daughter has had this problem in her 'new' garden.

The neighbour's cats seem to enjoy squatting on the little gravel seated areas, so she has had to sprinkle 'Get Off' crystals around, so her little ones don't tread in it!

She has also bought the 'Get Off' spray to use around the bottom of the garden benches & tables. Both are supposed to be quite good & rain resistant, so we shall see.....!
P.S. We've also used 'Get Off' products around our gates/piers to stop owners letting their dogs do the same!
you're lucky its not gypsy poo, what pellets get rid of that??
Yes, I remember it well 4getmenot!

They left plenty of that behind on our work premises - it took law enforcement officers to get them off our land & a very expensive cleaning up job after!!!!
thay've been squatting behind out work skips :-(
Cats are territorial, so they are marking your garden as their area. If you remove faeces, they will simply mark again. So ...

First of all remove all traces of faeces and scrub the area twice with boling strongly disinfected water. This removes the scent traces.

Then scatter the area with moth balls, also around your garden perimiters, remembering tops of walls, fences etc.

That should send out a 'no go' message to the current incumbants, and discourge any newbies from taking over.

The moth balls last a few weeks, rain permitting, and simply replenish when needed. Once the problem stops, you can just put the odd moth ball out, but keep them up on gravel areas, cats think they are a giant litter tray, so these are favourite marking reas.

Good luck.
my brother has a clear plastic bottle filled with water in his garden which cats don't like and steer away from
get a dog!
plastic forks stuck in the ground where they go
My brother has a regular fox visitor - and no cats cr*p in his garden!
try a gun
i have tried everything and most powders or gell needs replacing everytime it rains which can be quite expensive! also if you put say some gell on part of your garden they crap on another part ! you would have to cover your entire garden ! the best thing to use is a electronic cat scarer which emit a high pitch sound which is harmless but cats can t stand it !!!!!

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cat poo on my garden

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