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mattie | 11:48 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | Jokes
3 Answers
Two hydrogen atoms having a conversation.

One says, "I have lost all my electrons"

Other says "are you sure?"

"I'm positive"


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A neutron walks into a pub. "I'd like a beer", he says. The landlord promptly serves him a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron.

"For you?" replies the landlord, "No charge."
Two jump leads went into a pub. The barman said.........don't start anything !
Two Hydorgen atoms having a conversation.

One says, "I have lost all my electrons"

Other says "Are you sure you don't mean *electron*? You see as element number one in the periodic table you only have 1"

"Oh p1ss off you anally retentive tw4t" said no 1.

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