My work has just imformed me that I am no longer allowed to wear trousers (including all female employees). So we are being forced to wear only skirts EVERYDAY regardless of the weather....
I would think this is sex discrimination and would certainly investigate. Have you a union where you can go for help?
Personally I would make further inquiries but I would also be careful that they do not dismiss you if the boat gets rocked. What do the other "females" think? Try to see if you can get to some agreement between all of you.
I thought too that it is sex discrimination...
Unfotunatly I do not have a union that I could go too, most girls find it unfair too, I will definatly try to find out more...
No that is definatly not allowed in the workplace. Has your job been threatend if you don't comply? If so i suggest you let them sack you. Take them to court for sex discrimination and unfair dissmissal. You will find that you would win without a battle. a nice little pay out while you find another job and it sounds as if your better off out of there. Rob.