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the meaning of "Trust had not gotten him very far this evening."

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kjc0123 | 06:57 Thu 31st Mar 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers

What is the meaning of "Trust had not gotten him very far this evening." in the following sentences?

"What are you going to do?"
Sophie gunned the SmartCar into the rotary. "Trust me."
Langdon made no response. Trust had not gotten him very far this evening.



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Someone must have let Langdon down earlier in the evening. That is, he expected something from or whatever...and he had not got it. He had 'trusted' that he would get the thing and didn't. Now someone asking him to trust her, but he is doubtful. After all, how can he be sure that Sophie will not let him down, too?
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the meaning of "Trust had not gotten him very far this evening."

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