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What is the longest word in the English Language?

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toonmilo | 11:13 Fri 29th Apr 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
10 Answers

My wife and i are both discussing this. She says the longest is Antidistablish....etc etc (whatever it is?????

and i say it is a word i heard years ago.....Floccu....Blah ends in "ication"

Any ideas??



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This is rather a meaningless question, since many words are extendable in practice and in theory. Having said that, there are various kinds of �longest' word in English.
Firstly, there are technical words in science and medicine that are just strings of jargon elements. The longest word in The Oxford English Dictionary (TOED) is such a word. It is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, (45 letters) which is a lung disease brought on by inhaling certain dust particles. The longest of these technical monsters apparently opens with the letters �methionyl...' and goes on for a further 1900 letters! 
Secondly, there are joke words that have been made up at various times throughout history, specifically striving for great length. The oldest of these - created at Eton in the 18th century - is probably floccinaucinihilipilification, (29 letters) listed in TOED, which means  setting things at little value. A more modern example of such a joke word is supercalifragilisticexpialodocious (34 letters) - also listed in TOED - from the film, 'Mary Poppins'.
Thirdly, there are genuinely long words which have emerged to fill a particular gap in meaning. The longest of those is antidisestablishmentarianism, (28 letters). This might be considered the longest �normal' word in English, in the sense that it is - of the four so far listed - the only one you are at all likely actually to see in print.

So, if you are looking for non-jargon/non-jocular words that you may well see in print one day, the longest is certainly  'antidisestablishmentarianism'. However, there is no reason why there shouldn't exist, perhaps, an adverb such as 'antidisestablishmentarianistically' to describe how believers in antidisestablishmentarianism might behave.This is what I meant when I said at the start above that words are extendable in theory and why the question might be seen as �meaningless'.
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Blimey Quizmonster, thats an answer and a half right there!!!

I'll just take it as my word has 29 letters and missus has 28! I win! Wahoo!

Wow! QM, that was a hippopotomonstrosesquipidelian answer...!
Quizmonster - D�j� vu.

Yes, K. The question keeps coming up and so, therefore, does my answer...if that's what you mean.

By the way, O, I had to cut it down to get it accepted, as AnswerBank reckoned it was too long! My original intention was to include the fact that the 'antidis...' word had actually appeared in the papers recently because of the question of Prince Charles's wedding and his future as head of the established church.


The longest word in "The English Language" is "Language"
It would be, B, if the questioner had put inverted commas around the phrase as you've done!
The longest word is "smiles". There's a mile between the first and the last letters. Sorry, couldn't resist. I know that one is older than I am!

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What is the longest word in the English Language?

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