Hi all!!
I am setting up my Justgiving page for the race for life this year and am stuck on the correct grammer I should use for the name of our group. I am running with my 2 daughters so have called us "The Wilson Girls" (Not my real surname, nearly put it but thought better of it lol) anyway.... The Justgiving page has put an ' in there so it reads "The Wilson Girls's page" which doesn't look right to me.
I would be most greatful if someone could tell me the correct grammer please.
Hi again Mark. I just set it that low knowing we would probably reach it and hopefully more. It was more for my youngest as she would be really disappointed if we set it too high and then couldn't reach the target.
When we did Race for life 2 years ago we raised over 250 pounds (sorry pound signs not working on my keyboard) but only set it at 50 pounds, everything after that is a bonus :o)
Thanx again the girls were really thrilled x
Wow thank you all so much, I am so moved by all your generosity!! Thank you to Joan and to Frank for your donations :o)
Wow we're really rocking now!!! xx
Hi Bob, no I don't mind. I suppose I haven't done it because I wasn't sure if it was a bit cheeky asking and I'm not really that good with attention, I always tend to be the one at the back of the crowd hiding!
You also need to increase your target figure dramatically. I, for one, looking at your page as it stands now, would ignore it, as you'd already exceeded your target so wouldn't bother donating. There are many "good causes" out there so, if I found myself in a generous mood, I'd find one which needed my money, because yours looks like it no longer does...
Most people think it's a bit cheeky to ask for donations, but there are loads of us on here who are more than happy to give our support to worthy causes.....
Cancer Research is one of our favourite charities, and I don't mind in the slightest bit being a bit cheeky to raise money.....
Hey Mark, my sister is about 60% toward her target of £2012 she is raising for the london marathon in aid of an MS charity. You're welcome to get her up to target if you wany ;)
Good luck Wingnut. I have two daughters doing this so don't feel I can sponsor you as well, but hope you get loads of sponsorship.( Just waiting to see if middle daughter will decide to do it as well! Could need a second mortgage....)