who said the phrase first? in The AnswerBank: Phrases & Sayings
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who said the phrase first?

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3Styler | 23:15 Wed 04th May 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
What we do in life echoes in eternity.  i have this feeling someone really important said it but i cant remember who said it and when and its been bugging me for ages.
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Russell Crowe in Gladiator?
harpo marx in A NIGHT AT THE OPERA
Charlie88, It couldn't have been Harpo, he was the one that never spoke.
Marcus Aurelius ( 121 AD ~180 AD )

It was also penned by (RC as above) but some time before him, but after Marcus Aurelius:

What we do in life echoes in eternity.
-Magnus Maximus (383-388 A.D.)

But he would probably have said something like:

Quod In Omni Vita Facimus, In Aeternum Resonat

Check out Octavius!!  Not just a latin name eh? :-D
Thanks for the correction, Octavius, I might have known Hollywood's best lines wouldn't have come from Hollywood.
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wow Octavius is genius. anyway yeh my question's been answered, i thought i heard it in a film. and it is definetly gladiator right?  yeh didnt expect gladiator was the first place it was said but the fact that i knew where i heard it but forgot was what was bugging me. anyway thanks! 

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